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Craige B. Champion

Craige B. Champion

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310B Maxwell Hall

Craige B. Champion

Professor, History Department


  • 2025 Spring
    • HST 358 Democracy Ancient and Modern
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST 300 Selected Topics - Herodotus&theInventionofHist
    • HST 210 The Ancient World
  • 2024 Fall
    • HST 801 Historiography
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST/IRP 346 IR in Antiquity
    • HST 210 The Ancient World
  • 2024 Summer
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST 300 Selected Topics - Ancient Rome in the Cinema
  • 2024 Spring
    • HST 358 Democracy Ancient and Modern
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST 300 Selected Topics - Ancient Rome in the Cinema
    • HST 210 The Ancient World
  • 2023 Fall
    • HST 358 Democracy Ancient and Modern
    • HST 801 Historiography
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST/IRP 300 Selected Topics - Intl Relations in Antiquity
  • 2023 Summer
    • HST 358 Democracy Ancient and Modern
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST 300 Selected Topics - Ancient Rome in the Cinema
    • HST 210 The Ancient World
  • 2023 Spring
    • HST 358 Democracy Ancient and Modern
    • HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
    • HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
    • HST 210 The Ancient World

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Princeton University, 1993


Craige B. Champion is a professor of ancient Greek and Roman history. He has had a life-long fascination with the myths, history and culture of ancient Greece, though oddly enough much of his scholarly work has concentrated on ancient Rome. His research focuses on historiography, elite religious practices in antiquity, and imperialism and citizenship in the ancient world. 

Champion has authored several books: "Cultural Politics in Polybius's Histories" (University of California Press, 2004), "The Peace of the Gods: Elite Religious Practices in the Middle Roman Republic" (Princeton University Press, 2017), "Roman Imperialism: Readings and Sources" (Blackwell Publishing, 2003) and the "Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History" (Wiley and Sons, 2013).

In 2004, he was the recipient of the Maxwell School’s Daniel Patrick Moynihan Award and in 2014 he garnered an Excellence in Teaching Award from Syracuse University and University College. He is working on completing a new, two-volume English-language edition of the history of the Greek historian Polybius.  

Areas of Expertise

Hellenistic Greece, Greek democracy and republican Rome, ancient imperialism, ethnic identity formation in classical antiquity, the politics of culture in ancient Greece and Rome, classical historiography

Research Interests

Ancient Greek and Roman history, Greek and Roman historiography, ethnic identity formation in classical antiquity, politics of culture in ancient Greece and Rome, Greek democracy and republican Rome, imperialism in classical antiquity

Selected Publications

  • Books
    • Champion, C. B., The Peace of the Gods: Elite Religious Practices in the Middle Roman Republic. Princeton University Press, 2017.
    • The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Champion, C. B., Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2013.
    • Champion, C. B., "Cultural Politics in Polybius’s Histories." In Hellenistic Culture and Society Series. University of California Press, 2004.
    • Roman Imperialism: Readings and Sources. Champion, C. B. (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
  • Journal Articles
    • Champion, C. B., "Carneades at Rome: Philosophos Pragmatikos." Mediterranean Antiquity , 2016.
    • Champion, C. B., "El imperialismo romano: ¿Bellum Iustum o pillaje agresivo." Desperta Ferro. Revista de Historia Militar y Politica, 2014.
    • Champion, C. B., "Empire by Invitation: Greek Political Strategies." Transactions of the American Philological Association , 2007.
    • Champion, C. B., "In Defense of Hellas: The Antigonid Soteria and Paneia at Delos and the Aetolian Soteria at Delphi." American Journal of Ancient History, 2007.
    • Champion, C. B., "Polybian Demagogues in Political Context." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology , 2005.
    • Champion, C. B., "Histories 12.4b.1-4c.1: An Overlooked Key to Polybios’ Views on Rome." HISTOS, 2000.
    • Champion, C. B., "Romans as Barbaroi: Three Polybian Speeches and the Politics of Cultural Indeterminacy." Classical Philology , 2000.
  • Book Chapters
    • Champion, C. B., Goldberg, C., "Roman Imperialism." In Oxford Bibliographies On-Line. Oxford University Press.
    • Champion, C. B., "Religion and Citizenship in Republican Rome." In Citizenship in Antiquity: Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean. Filonik, J., Plastow, C. and Zelnick-Abramovitz, R. (eds.) Routledge, 2023.
    • Champion, C. B., "Polybius." In Oxford Bibliographies On-Line . Oxford University Press, 2021.
    • Champion, C. B., "Peace Movements." In A Cultural History of Peace in Antiquity. Ager , S. L. (ed.) Bloomsbury Academic , 2020.
    • Champion, C. B., "Magister Vitae: Livy as Polybian Reader." In A Primordio Urbis: Un itinerario per gli studi liviani. Baldo , G., Beltramini , L. (eds.) Brepols, 2019.
    • Champion, C. B., "Conquest, Liberation, Protectionism, or Enslavement? Mid-Republican Rome from a Greek Perspective." In War, Warlords, and Interstate Relations in the Ancient Mediterranean. Ňaco del Hoyo, T., Sánchez , F. L. (eds.) Brill, 2018.
    • Champion, C. B., "Extralimitatión imperial: Impedimentos estructurales y culturales para el Imperio en la Roma de la República." In Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Historia Antigua, . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2018.
  • Book Reviews
    • Champion, C. B., "Ethnicity in the Ancient World—Did It Matter?." Scripta Classica Israelica , 2022.
    • Champion, C. B., "From Machiavellian Pragmatist to Multidimensional Enigma." In Polybios von Megalopolis: Staatsdenken zwischen griechischer Poliswelt und römischer Res Publica. Scherr, J., Gronau, M. and Saracino, S. (eds.) Histos, 2022.
    • Champion, C. B., "Polybius: Experience and the Lessons of History." Sehepunkte, 2021.
    • Champion, C. B., "The Hellenistic Age: A Very Short Introduction." American Historical Review , 2020.
    • Champion, C. B., "Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE-20 CE." Ancient History Bulletin, 2019.
    • Champion, C. B., "Staatlichkeit in Rom? Diskurse und Praxis (in) der römischen Republik." Lundgreen, C. (ed.) Athenaeum, 2018.
    • Champion, C. B., "Timée de Tauroménion: Fragments." Lachenaud, G. (ed.) Sehepunkte, 2018.
  • Editorial
    • Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Diplomacy. Champion, C. B. (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, 2018.
  • Encyclopedia Entries
    • Champion, C. B., "The Achaean War." In Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Diplomacy. Martel , G. (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
    • Champion, C. B., "Antiochus of Syracuse." In Encyclopedia of Ancient History . Wiley- Blackwell Publishers, 2013.
    • Champion, C. B., "See below." In Encyclopedia of Ancient History. , 1925.
  • Essays
    • Champion, C. B., "Julius Caesar." In The Dictionary of Literary Biography: Ancient Roman Writers. Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1999.
    • Champion, C. B., "Polybius." In The Dictionary of Literary Biography: Ancient Greek Authors. Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1997.
  • Instructional Material
    • Champion, C. B., Promotional Materials for Youth Summit: Russian-American Young Leaders Summit. , 2019.
  • Journal Review
    • Champion, C. B., "Interstitial Magister Vitae: History Between Doing and Knowing." In Polybius: Experience and the Lessons of History. Mediterraneo Antico , 2021.
  • Movie Review
  • Retirement Eulogy (Latin).
    • Champion, C. B., "Ovatio: T. James Luce, Jr." CW, 1996.

Presentations and Events

First Trends in Classics-Historiography Conference: Ancient Historians on the Nature of War, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of the Peloponnese, "Warfare as Military Science in Polybius' Histories" (May 24, 2024)

(May 24, 2023)

(November 30, 2022)

Conflict Resolution and Pacification during the Republic and Principate, "The Ides of March, Again" (November 28, 2022)

Foreignness of Universal Historiography, Centre for Advanced Study, "Stranger in a Strange Land: Sins of Omission and Commission in Polybius’ Histories" (June 14, 2022)

Departments of Italian and Classics, "Messages in Bottles from Antiquity" (February 14, 2022)

Might Is Not Right: Critiques of Imperial Rule and Historiographical Representations of the World, "Polybius and Universal Empire" (October 23, 2021)

Forty-Ninth Conference of the Israeli Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, "Conceptualizing Roman Citizenship: Sicilian Cities in the Third Century BCE" (June 2, 2021)

Previous Teaching Appointments

Professor of history, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY: 2017-Present  

Associate professor of history, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY: 2003-2017 

Assistant professor of history, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY: 8/01-10/03

Assistant professor of ancient history and classical languages, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA: 8/95 to 5/01

Visiting assistant professor of classics and humanities, Reed College, Portland, OR: 8/93 to 5/95

Lecturer in classics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ: Spring Term, 1993

Instructor, The Lewis School and Diagnostic Center of Princeton, Princeton, NJ: 9/92 to 7/93

Adjunct professor of history, College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ: 9/91 to 8/92

Lecturer in classics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ: Spring Terms of 1990 and 1992

Honors and Accolades

Excellence in Teaching Award, Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, International Relations Program (2024)

Fulbright U.S. Scholar to Russia (Moscow), Fulbright (2019 - 2020)

Appleby-Mosher Research Award, Syracuse University (2019)

Excellence in Teaching Award, Syracuse University and University College (2014)

Appleby-Mosher Research Award, Syracuse University (2005)