Artifact Central
Historical archaeologists Doug Armstrong and Theresa Singleton moved into new, state-of-the-art labs down the hall in Lyman, with expanded and upgraded space for research and teaching.
Out of Many, One People: The Historical Archaeology of Colonial Jamaica
An Archaeology of Desperation: Exploring the Donner Party's Alder Creek Camp
House of Mourning: A Biocultural History of the Mountain Meadows Massacre
The Truths Behind the Myth of Harriet Tubman
See related: Human Rights, New York State, Race & Ethnicity, State & Local, Student Experience
Sudan: Race, Religion and Violence
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Race & Ethnicity, Religion
In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology, 11th Edition
Dangerous Liaisons: Anthropologists and the National Security State
Raja Nal and the Goddess: The North India Epic Dhala in Performance
Contesting Agriculture: Cooperativism and Privatization in the New Eastern Germany
See related: Agriculture
Landlords and Lodgers: Socio-Spatial Organization in an Accra Community
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan)
Doing Fieldwork: The Correspondence of Robert Redfield and Sol Tax, Revised Edition