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Maxwell School Research

Maxwell’s unique strength derives from its multidisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary policy issues. Within the school’s research units, you will find faculty scholars and practitioners with expertise across the full spectrum of social sciences and public affairs specialties analyzing and problem solving alongside our students.

From aging, population, and public health, to the environment, conflict resolution, and the governance of autonomous systems, Maxwell faculty and students engage in the sort of silo-busting work that is essential to developing solutions and educating tomorrow’s effective leaders.

Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Institutes

Maxwell scholars and students conduct wide-ranging research through 15 interdisciplinary centers, each of which focuses on a topical area within public affairs, such as social and economic policy, conflict and collaboration, public wellness, aging, energy and environment, national security, and regional studies, among others.

Law concept, statue, magnifying glass, passport and world map
The associate professor of political science is part of a three-person team that will investigate the conditions that make international refugee law effective.
The organization promotes academic collaboration, research and dialogue in the field of economics.
The organization promotes academic collaboration, research and dialogue in the field of economics.
A Syracuse resident holds a cardboard sign that reads "Hold slumlords accountable. Pass STU's rental registry proposal."
Written and directed by Gretchen Purser, the film is the culmination of a research grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Research Support Services

The Maxwell Research Office provides support and resources for identifying internal and external funding sources, writing and submitting grant applications, and managing awards.

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