Baltagi Lagrange multiplier test for heteroskedasticity study published in Journal of Econometrics
Badi H.Baltagi, Georges Bresson & Alain Pirotte
September 30, 2006
Rothenberg paper on outflows-induced sudden stops published in Journal of Policy Reform
Jillian E. Faucette, Alexander D. Rothenberg & Francis E. Warnock
August 14, 2006
Panel Data Econometrics: Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Applications
Badi H. Baltagi
April 1, 2006
Horrace paper on ranking & selection from independent truncated normal distributions published in JE
William C. Horrace
May 31, 2005
Helping Children Left Behind: State Aid and the Pursuit of Educational Equity
John M. Yinger
This book provides an overview and five case studies of school finance reform; a resource for scholars, public officials, and others interested in education finance reform.
December 31, 2004
The Political Economy of Trade, Aid and Foreign Investment Policies
Devashish Mitra
December 31, 2004
Rosenthal chapter on agglomeration economies published in Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics
Stuart S. Rosenthal & William C. Strange
December 31, 2003
The Impact of Trade on Labor: Issues, Perspectives and Experience from Developing Asia
Devashish Mitra
December 31, 2003
Ondrich, Yinger paper on real estate agents withholding houses from Black customers published in RES
Jan Ondrich, Stephen Ross & John Yinger
October 31, 2003
See related: Civil Rights, Race & Ethnicity
Ondrich study on maternity leave policy and the return to work after childbirth published in REH
Jan Ondrich, C. Katharina Spiess, Qing Yang & Gert G. Wagner
December 31, 2002
See related: Europe
Looking the Other Way: A Critique of the Fair-Lending Enforcement System and a Plan to Fix It
Stephen L. Ross & John Yinger
November 30, 2002
Workplace Safety Policy: Past, Present, and Future
Thomas J. Kniesner & John D. Leeth
September 30, 2000