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Political Science News and Events

Reeher discusses significance of Trump's impeachment trial in Newsweek

Professor Grant Reeher says people should be "wary" of attempting to identify a historical trend from just two cases: former President Bill Clinton and former President Donald Trump. However, he says the fact that three of four impeachment trials have happened in just over two decades "is in part a reflection of the deep political polarization the nation has been experiencing."
February 9, 2021

Faricy explores public perceptions of welfare via the U.S. tax code

Christopher Ellis, Christopher Faricy
Political Science Associate Professor Chris Faricy and co-author examine how public opinion differs between two types of economic aid—direct government assistance vs. indirect assistance in the form of tax subsidies.
February 9, 2021

See related: Taxation

Gueorguiev quoted in South China Morning Post on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement

Dimitar Gueorguiev was quoted in the South China Morning Post article "U.S. lawmakers nominate Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement for the Nobel Peace Prize."
February 4, 2021

See related: China, Government, Human Rights

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall