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Gueorguiev discusses legacy of China's Xi Jinping in New York Times

China's leader, Xi Jinping, "strikes me as ruthless but cautious in erecting a durable personal legacy," says Dimitar Gueorguiev, assistant professor of political science.
March 3, 2021

See related: China, COVID-19, Government

Barkun quoted in Business Insider piece on QAnon's Trump conspiracy theory

"You really feel like you're in an Alice in Wonderland world when you start going through the ideas of the sovereign citizens," says Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science. "They will construct more and more complex rationalizations that push the events that they wish for farther and farther into the future." 
March 1, 2021

Study on Globalizing Public Administration by Harry Lambright and Coauthors Published

Shena Ashley, Soonhee Kim & William H. Lambright
February 25, 2021

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall