Political Science News and Events
Reeher comments on crowded Democratic 2020 debate stage in TIME
Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that while too crowded a field leads to a lack of meaningful conversation, restricting the debate stage too extensively is also not ideal because it creates "a self-fulfilling prophecy" in which dark horse candidates never get the chance to emerge.
See related: Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Research by Emily Thorson cited in Forbes article on misinformation
Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, defines "belief echoes" as "effects on attitudes that persist even when you know that a piece of information is false."
See related: Media & Journalism, United States
Reeher weighs in on Pelosi's comments about Trump in The Hill
See related: Political Parties, United States
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The Assault on the State
Eggers Hall, 220
In their new book, "The Assault on the State", Stephen E. Hanson and Jeffrey Kopstein describe the dangers of state erosion and outline a strategy that can reverse this destructive trend.