Political Science News and Events
Gueorguiev featured in China Daily article on China's development
"Moving forward, it is incredibly important for China to rebalance its domestic economy toward greater consumption while maintaining a commitment to openness," says Dimitar Gueorguiev, assistant professor political science.
Gueorguiev discusses North Korea, US-China trade in Washington Examiner
Dimitar Gueorguiev talks to Washington Examiner about the Trump administrations missteps to US relationships with North Korea, by pushing an effort to sign a trade deal with China. "The Trump administration, more so than any previous administration, has been willing to link security and economic issues," says Gueorguiev.
Faricy comments on tax cuts, refunds in Bloomberg
Chris Faricy, associate professor of political science, says "You can tell people you gave them a tax cut, but if they don’t believe it and their refunds are smaller, it’s a hard sell politically," in an article for Bloomberg.
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The Assault on the State
Eggers Hall, 220
In their new book, "The Assault on the State", Stephen E. Hanson and Jeffrey Kopstein describe the dangers of state erosion and outline a strategy that can reverse this destructive trend.