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Political Science News and Events

From Africa to America

Michael Boulware Moore heads efforts to build a new museum on slave-trade hallowed ground in Charleston.

August 8, 2018

Keck weighs in on Supreme Court impact on electoral politics in Associated Press

"Over the long course of time, the court follows broader political trends," says Thomas Keck, professor of political science and Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics. "But it doesn’t tend to turn as quickly as the elected branches" of government. Keck was interviewed for the Associated Press article "Could hard-right Supreme Court haunt GOP? History says maybe." 
August 8, 2018

Barkun helps shed light on the mystery of “Q” in the Washington Post

Professor Emeritus of Political Science Michael Barkun weighs in on the mystery of "Q" and the history of conspiracy theories in America in the Washington Post. "These ideas never completely die,” says Barkun, who studies conspiracy theories and political extremism. “They get recycled every generation, and in America, some of the most powerful conspiracy ideas deal with an enemy inside the government who is really pulling the strings but cannot be identified.”

“We all want stories that make sense of the world,” Barkun says. “When we can’t find them, we look around in strange places."


August 6, 2018

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall