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Political Science News and Events

Thorson talks about fake news on Wisconsin Public Radio's Central Time

Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, was interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) for the Central Time segment "How To Spot And Fight Fake News." Thorson advises people to be wary of spreading fake news just to correct it. "It's hard to . . . unring that bell of misinformation," she says.

December 1, 2017

Miriam Elman quoted in Washington Times article on left's divide over Israel

Miriam Elman, associate professor of political science, says panelists at a recent anti-Semitism forum downplayed escalating anti-Jewish bigotry on U.S. college campuses, "where the problem is not coming from Trump or the alt-Right but from the progressive Left." 

November 30, 2017

Elizabeth Cohen weighs in on deportation in Sun Community News

Elizabeth Cohen, associate professor of political science, says not only are deportations harmful to families, but are also disruptive to the labor force and economy.

November 29, 2017

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall