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Political Science News and Events

Reeher Quoted in Washington Post Article on Historical Advertisements for the AR-15

As public concerns about crime mounted in the 1980s and 1990s, AR-15 marketers started to adjust their depiction of what was on the receiving end of the barrel. “People, rather than animals, were the target,” says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. “That allows it to be sold more as a self-defense weapon, particularly inside the home.”

March 29, 2023

White Discusses His Research on History of Racial Inequality in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

“We sort of show at least some suggestive survey evidence that talking to people very explicitly and straightforwardly about these historical reasons why inequality persists can at least at the margins make people more open to thinking about race in a more structural way [and] taking inequality seriously,” says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

March 27, 2023

Taylor Quoted in Vox Article on Russian Paramilitary Network the Wagner Group

“Wagner was a very useful stopgap in that period between when [Russia] had so many of their regular forces attrited and Putin came around to the realization that he had no choice but to bring in hundreds of thousands of more people. That may, in some sense, prove to be that Wagner is at its sort of height of influence,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.

March 27, 2023

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall