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Political Science News and Events

Taylor Talks to The World About Ukraine’s HIMARS weapons

Professor Brian Taylor was interviewed for The World segment, "Ukrainian HIMARS weapons could be game-changer."

August 26, 2022

Was Jan. 6 an Insurrection? A Failed Coup? Cleary Discusses with Politico

Matt Cleary, associate professor of political science, was featured in the Politico article, "Ask the ‘Coupologists’: Just What Was Jan. 6 Anyway?"

August 26, 2022

Reeher Discusses NY-22 Primaries with CNY Central, WRVO

Professor Grant Reeher was interviewed for the CNY Central story, "Frontrunners in NY22 primary races benefit from financial support of national Super PACs" and the WRVO story, "New York’s 22nd district a race to watch on primary day."

August 25, 2022

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall