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Political Science News and Events

Abelaaty Shares Her Advice on Being a Foreign-Born Academic in Chronicle of Higher Education

Lamis Abdelaaty, assistant professor of political science, was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education piece "What foreign-born academics want you to know."

May 6, 2022

See related: Education, United States

Keck Quoted in Talking Points Memo Piece on Democratic Backsliding

Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, was quoted in the Talking Points Memo article, "20 Years Of Democratic Backsliding Got Us To The Roe Reversal."

May 5, 2022

Introduction: The Politics of the Migrant/Refugee Binary

Lamis Abdelaaty, Rebecca Hamlin

This article interrogates the categorization and labeling of border crossers, particularly the categories of migrant and refugee as they are used in distinction with one another.

May 4, 2022

See related: Migration, Refugees

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Political Science Department
100 Eggers Hall