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Devashish Mitra

Devashish Mitra

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340 Eggers Hall

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Fall 2022: TBA

Devashish Mitra

Professor and Chair, Economics Department

Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs

Senior Research Associate, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

Senior Research Associate, South Asia Center


  • 2024 Fall
    • ECN 765 Advanced International Trade
  • 2024 Spring
    • ECN 367 Economics of Globalization
  • 2023 Fall
    • ECN 765 Advanced International Trade
  • 2023 Spring
    • ECN 310 Special Topics In Economics - Indian Economy
  • 2022 Fall
    • ECN 765 Advanced International Trade
  • 2022 Summer
    • ECN 670 Experience Credit
  • 2022 Spring
    • ECN 670 Experience Credit
    • SAS 300 Selected Topics - Indian Economy
    • ECN 310 Special Topics In Economics - Indian Economy
    • ECN 610 Special Topics in Economics - International Trade&Developmnt

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., Columbia University, 1996

Areas of Expertise

International trade, political economy, development economics, Indian economy

Selected Publications

  • Books
  • Journal Articles
  • Book Chapters
    • Mitra, D., "Lobbying in the Political Economy of International Trade." In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. , 2021.
    • Mitra, D., "Structural Reforms and Labor-Market Outcomes in India." In Social Statistics: Manifestation of Growth. Gupta, A. (ed.) Primus Books, 2020.
    • Mitra, D., "Responses to Trade Opening: Evidence and Lessons from Asia." In Trade Adjustment in Asia: Past Experiences and Lessons Learned. M. B., Helble, M. (eds.) ADBI-WTO Joint Publication, 2020.
    • Mitra, D., Ahsan, R. N., "Can The Whole Actually Be Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts? Lessons From India's Growing Economy And Its Evolving Structure." In Structural Change, Fundamentals, and Growth: A Framework and Country Studies. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D. and Sepulveda, C. (eds.) IFPRI, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., Lovely, M. E., "Trade and the Gains from Trade in the Presence of Decreasing Costs and Imperfect Competitition." In Handbook of Trade Policy for Development. Lukauskas, R., Stern, R. and Zanini, G. (eds.) Oxford University Press, 2013.
    • Mitra, D., Sundaram, A. and Ahsan, R. N., "Complementarity Between Formal and Informal Manufacturing in India." In Reforms and Economic Transformation in India. Bhagwati, J., Panagariya, A. (eds.) Oxford University Press, 2013.
    • Mitra, D., Cain, J. S. and Hasan, R., "Trade Liberalization and Poverty Reduction: New Evidence from India States." In India’s Reforms: How they Produced Inclusive Growth. Bhagwati, J., Panagariya, A. (eds.) Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Blogs
  • Book Reviews
    • Mitra, D., "Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen. An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions. Princeton, NJ and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press, 2013." Enterprise and Society, 2015.
    • Mitra, D., "Panagariya, Arvind, India: The Emerging Giant, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2008." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010.
    • Mitra, D., "Bhagwati, Jagdish, Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine Free Trade, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2008." International Review of Economics and Finance, 2009.
    • Mitra, D., "Graham, Edward M. and David M. Marchik, US National Security and Foreign Investment , Institute for International Economics, Washington DC, 2006." Journal of Economic Literature 45, 2007.
    • Mitra, D., "Mattoo, Aditya and Robert M. Stern, eds., India and the WTO. Washington, DC: A Copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2003." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006.
    • Mitra, D., "Grossman, Gene M. and Helpman, Elhanan, Interest Groups and Trade Policy, Princeton University Press, 2002." Economic Journal, 2003.
    • Mitra, D., "Easterly, William, The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics, MIT Press, 2001." Southern Economic Journal, 2002.
  • Comment
    • Mitra, D., Lovely, M., "Narendra Modi’s Rise in Import Tariffs Will Hurt India’s Economy." The Financial Times, 2018.
  • Conference Proceeding
  • Editorial, Journal
  • Email Interview
    • Mitra, D., "Fear that FDI will hurt small shops is misguided."
  • Journal Review
  • Op-Eds
    • Mitra, D., "India’s labor reforms and FTAs could spell luck for its labor force." In East Asia Forum. , 2024.
    • Mitra, D., "India’s largely unskilled labor force makes a push for high-value services & manufacturing futile." In The Economic Times (ET Prime). , 2024.
  • Op-ed pieces
    • Mitra, D., Chakraborty, P. and Sundaram, A., "Import Competition, Labour Market Regulation, and Outsourcing." VOXEU, 2021.
    • Mitra, D., "US-China trade conflict: Geopolitics alone may not help Indian manufacturers." The Economic Times (ET Prime), 2021.
    • Mitra, D., "India has to catch up in infrastructure and skill building to play role in global supply chains." The Economic Times (ET Prime), 2020.
    • Mitra, D., "India needs structural reforms for growth to make a strong comeback." The Economic Times, 2020.
    • Mitra, D., Jha, P., "How a successful ‘AEZ Model’ can remove India’s structural bottlenecks." The Economic Times, 2020.
    • Mitra, D., "Despite doubts, there’s enough proof to conclude that foreign trade is good for poor." The Economic Times, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "Why India needs to rethink its decision to opt out of RCEP." The Economic Times, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "India's economic crisis can bring about much needed reforms." The Economic Times, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "The Dark Clouds of India’s Jobs Data with One Silver Lining." Bloomberg Quint, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "Re-formed for Reforms." The Economic Times, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "Biometric Authentication, Exclusion Restrictions Can Ensure Effective Cash Transfer System in India." The Economic Times, 2019.
    • Mitra, D., "A Minimum Framework." The Indian Express, 2019.
  • Opinion pieces
    • Mitra, D., "Why Niti Aayog’s Job Creation Plan Cannot Ignore Robotization." The Quint, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., "Why Trump’s Anti-Globalization Agenda is Bad for America." World Financial Review, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., "India is Moving to a License-Permit-Inspector Raj on Steroids." The Quint, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., "Demonetization: Foolhardy Notion of Linking Corruption and Growth." The Quint, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., "India on a Jobless Growth Path." Bloomberg l Quint, 2017.
    • Mitra, D., "Reads Well, Now do it." OPEN, 2015.
    • Mitra, D., "Budgeting for a Growing India." India Today, 2015.
  • Perspective

Journal Appointments

  • Associate Editor, European Economic Review, 2012-2015
  • Member, Editorial Board, ISRN Economics, 2012-present
  • Co-Editor, Economics and Politics, 2006-present
  • Associate Editor, Journal of International Economics, 2006-2015
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Business & Economics, 2004-present
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Development Economics, 2010-present
  • Associate Editor, International Review of Economics & Finance, 2011-2018
  • Member, Editorial Board, Review of International Economics, 2009-present
  • Co-Editor, Indian Growth and Development Review, 2014-present
  • Editorial Board, Finance India, 2017-present
  • Editorial Board, Economies, 2012-present

Presentations and Events

Department of Economics, University of Alberta (April, 2024)

2023 Columbia Summit on the Indian Economy, Columbia University (March, 2023)

Australasian Trade Meetings, University of Canterbury (April, 2022)

Southern Economic Association Meetings (November, 2021)

Department of Economics, University of Virginia (October, 2021)

Inspiration Lecture Series, Jindal Global Business School, Jindal Global University (September, 2021)

North American Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society (part of the ASSA Meetings) (January, 2021)

India Symposium, Harvard Kennedy School (December, 2019)

Columbia Indian Economy Summit, Columbia University (November, 2019)

Southern Economic Association Meetings (November, 2019)

InsTed Conference, University of Nottingham (September, 2019)

Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong (May, 2019)