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Maxwell School Faculty

Vivian Ike

Vivian Ike

Assistant Teaching Professor, International Relations Undergraduate Program

102 Maxwell Hall |

Areas of Expertise

International Relations, Global Environmental Politics, and Global Health Politics

Jenn M. Jackson

Jenn M. Jackson

Assistant Professor, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Affiliate, Women’s and Gender Studies

Affiliate, African American Studies

Areas of Expertise

Black politics, gender and sexuality, political behavior, public opinion, social movements, mixed methods

Hugo Jales

Hugo Jales

Associate Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics, econometrics

Denisa Jashari

Denisa Jashari

Assistant Professor, History Department

Advisory Board Member and Senior Research Associate, Program on Latin America and the Caribbean

538 Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Modern Latin America, urban history, social history, Chile, social movements, the Cold War

Lionel Johnson
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Areas of Expertise

Violence and public health, women’s reproductive health, Pastoralism, seasonal migration and cattle raiding in East Africa, medical anthropology, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda

Seth Jolly
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Seth Jolly

Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for European Studies

100D Eggers Hall | 315.443.8678 |

Areas of Expertise

European politics, political parties, nationalism, European Union

Andrew Jonelis

Andrew Jonelis

Teaching Assistant Professor, Economics Department

319 Maxwell Hall |

Areas of Expertise


Amy Kallander
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Amy Aisen Kallander

Professor, History Department

Faculty Affiliate, Women’s and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

306 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.5883 |

Areas of Expertise

Modern Middle East and North Africa, Ottoman Empire, women and gender, Tunisia, French and French Empire, colonialism

George L. Kallander

George L. Kallander

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, History Department

Director, East Asia Program

313A Maxwell Hall | 315.443.4832 |

Areas of Expertise

Korean and northeast Asian history and culture

Areas of Expertise

Econometrics of panel data, financial econometrics

Sebastian Karcher

Sebastian Karcher

Director, Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry

Director, Qualitative Data Repository

Research Associate Professor, Political Science Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

346H Eggers Hall | 315.443.1634 |

Areas of Expertise

Nonviolent conflict and change, conflict resolution

Thomas M. Keck

Thomas M. Keck

Professor, Political Science Department

Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

313 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5862 |

Areas of Expertise

U.S. Supreme Court, constitutional courts, freedom of expression, democratic erosion, Court reform

Jerry S. Kelly

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Economics Department

Areas of Expertise

Social choice, econometric theory

Kenneth G. Kelly

Research Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Anthropology Department

Areas of Expertise

Historical archaeology, African diaspora, slavery and slave trade

Meghan Kelly
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Areas of Expertise

Cartography, feminist mapping, critical GIS, community geography, digital storytelling, feminist digital geographies

Osamah F. Khalil

Professor, History Department

Chair, International Relations Undergraduate Program

Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program

102 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.0464 |

Areas of Expertise

U.S. foreign relations, modern Middle East, Cold War, Arab-Israeli conflict

Shafaat Yar Khan

Shafaat Yar Khan

Assistant Professor, Economics Department

542A Eggers |

Areas of Expertise

Quantitative analysis using frameworks of short- and long-run trade dynamics
Empirical estimation of trade effects with firm- and product-level census datasets

Minju Kim

Minju Kim

Assistant Professor, Political Science Department

Research Affiliate, East Asia Program

Areas of Expertise

International political economy, bureaucratic politics, international trade, formal theory

Melinda Kimble

Melinda Kimble

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.

Senior Vice President, UN Foundation

202.345.6047 |

Areas of Expertise

Global environmental policy (including climate change), global public health, international economics 

Gabriela Kirk
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Gabriela Kirk-Werner

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3114 |

Audie Klotz

Audie Klotz

Professor, Political Science Department

Research Affiliate, Maxwell African Scholars Union

330 Eggers Hall | 315.443.8678 |

Areas of Expertise

International relations, qualitative methods, global and comparative immigration policy, global governance and transnational activism

Thomas J. Kniesner

Thomas J. Kniesner

Emeritus Professor, Economics Department

Krisher Professor Emeritus

Areas of Expertise

Labor economics, applied economics, program evaluation, health economics

Natalie Koch
(Pronouns: She, Her)

Natalie Koch

Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Geography and the Environment Department

Director, Central Asia and the Caucasus Initiative

Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program

323 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2605 |

Areas of Expertise

political geography, nationalism, geopolitics, authoritarianism, sports geography, Gulf and Arabian Peninsula studies

Austin Kocher

Austin Kocher

Faculty Affiliate, Geography and the Environment Department

360 Newhouse 2 | 315.443.4455 |

Areas of Expertise

Political and legal geographies of immigration enforcement, policing and the immigration court system.

Areas of Expertise

Leadership, religion, conflict, and collaboration

Louis Kriesberg

Louis Kriesberg

Professor Emeritus, Sociology Department

Maxwell Professor Emeritus of Social Conflict Studies

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

400 Eggers Hall | 315.443.3170 |

Areas of Expertise

Social conflicts, conflict resolution, interstate and intercommunal conflicts, constructive struggles

Jeffrey D. Kubik

Jeffrey D. Kubik

Professor, Economics Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

426 Eggers Hall | 315.443.9063 |

Areas of Expertise

Finance, Public finance, Labor Economics

Radha Kumar

Radha Kumar

Associate Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, South Asia Center

514 Eggers Hall | 315.443.5875 |

Areas of Expertise

Modern South Asia: policing and sovereignty, legal history, colonial and post-colonial politics

Prema Kurien

Prema Kurien

Professor, Sociology Department

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, South Asia Center

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

317 Maxwell Hall | 315.443.1152 |

Areas of Expertise

International migration, Immigrant politics, Sociology of Religion, Race and Ethnicity-- US and Global, Religion and Society in India, Qualitative Methods

Norman Kutcher
(Pronouns: He, Him)

Norman Kutcher

Professor, History Department

Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Committee Member, East Asia Program

411B Maxwell Hall | 315.443.4144 |

Areas of Expertise

Cultural, social, and political history of late imperial China

Chris R. Kyle

Chris R. Kyle

Associate Professor, History Department

153 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2210 |

Areas of Expertise

Early Modern England
Parliamentary history
Proclamations and communication between centre and locality in Early Modern England

Derek Laing

Derek Laing

Associate Professor, Economics Department

133 Eggers Hall |

Areas of Expertise

Macroeconomics, monetary theory, labor economics

Areas of Expertise

Science and technology policy, environmental policy and administration

Scott Landes

Scott D. Landes

Associate Professor, Sociology Department

O’Hanley Faculty Scholar

Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute

Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health

320B Lyman Hall | 315.443.3457 |

Areas of Expertise

Sociology of disability, medical sociology, aging and the life course, military veterans

Sandra Lane

Sandra D. Lane

Professor by Courtesy Appointment, Anthropology Department

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

Senior Research Associate, Middle Eastern Studies Program

Professor of Public Health, Falk College

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn

Professor, History Department

Senior Research Associate, Autonomous Systems Policy Institute

Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute

322 Eggers Hall | 315.443.2700 |

Areas of Expertise

Modern American society, culture, thought; cultural criticism; intellectual history; history of ideas, self, emotion, art of living, ancient and modern; therapeutic culture, civil society, community, race, family; contemplative learning

Terry Lautz

Terry Lautz

Research Fellow, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

346 Eggers Hall | 315.299.6751 |