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Iliya Gutin

Contact Information:


426 Eggers Hall

Iliya Gutin

Research Assistant Professor and Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2021


Iliya Gutin is a social demographer and population health researcher, interested in documenting the many ways individual, institutional, and contextual level determinants of patterns and trends in morbidity and mortality, with a particular interest in health behaviors, reported health, biomarkers and specific causes of death.

Iliya is also a medical sociologist, interested in better understanding and evaluating the conceptualization and measurement of health in medicine and research. His work on these subjects has been published in the Annual Review of Sociology, Demographic Research, Demography, Preventative Medicine, Social Science & Medicine, Social Science Research, Social Theory & Health, and Sociology of Health & Illness, among other outlets.

His current work addresses international and intranational variation in health, using both vital statistics and survey data to understand poor and declining health in the United States throughout the life course. Iliya also has ongoing projects centered on the determinants and consequences of harmful behaviors like substance use and suicidality, as well as ongoing work developing multidimensional measures of health integrating different biological and social indicators.

Prior to his current position, Iliya was a program officer with the Committee on Population at the National Academy of Sciences. He was also a postdoctoral researcher at the Population Research Center and Center on Aging and Population Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin from 2021 to 2023.

He received a Ph.D. in sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2021, having received a B.A. in sociology at the University of Chicago and then worked at NORC as a research analyst.

Selected Publications

Presentations and Events

Gaydosh, L., Gutin, I., Add Health Users Conference, "Contextual Factors Relevant for External Causes of Death: Policy, Availability, and Population Health" (2024)

Gutin, I., Bridger-Staatz, C., Tilstra, A., Ploubidis, G., Dowd, J., Gaydosh, L., Population Association of America Meeting, "Health in Midlife in the UK And USA: International Comparison of Two Nationally Representative Cohorts" (2024)

MORTAL, "Life Expectancy Trends among U.S. States and Peer Countries, 1980-2020: Estimating the Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic on Widening Differences" (2024)

Oxford University, Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity, "When the Measure Becomes the Metric: Making Sense of the Body Mass Index in Research and Practice" (November, 2023)

Gutin, I., Bridger-Staatz, C., Tilstra, A., Ploubidis, G., Dowd, J., Gaydosh, L., Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Meeting, "Health in Midlife in the UK And USA: International Comparison of Two Nationally Representative Cohorts" (2023)

Gutin, I., Masters, R. K., Population Association of America, "Illustrating the Racialized Mortality Experiences of the U.S. COVID-19 Pandemic via Quarter-Year Changes in U.S. Life Expectancy, 2019-2022" (2023)

Gutin, I., Masters, R. K., MiCDA- TRENDS Network Meeting, "Life Expectancy Trends among U.S. States and Peer Countries, 1980-2020: Estimating the Impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic on Widening Differences" (2023)

Oxford University, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, "Doing Good “Human Science”: Interdisciplinary Rigor in Research and Pedagogy" (July, 2022)

Add Health Users Conference, "Longitudinal Considerations in Contextual Data Analysis" (July, 2022)

Duke Center for Childhood Obesity Research, "Not ‘Putting a Name to It’: Managing Uncertainty in the Diagnosis of Childhood Obesity" (May, 2022)

Population Association of America, "Body Size, Cardiometabolic Risk, and Educational Disparities in Mortality Among U.S. Adults, 1988-2015" (2022)

Gutin, I., Copeland, W., Godwin, J., Harris, K. M., Hill, S., Shanahan, L., Gaydosh, L., Population Association of America, "Defining Despair: Assessing the Multidimensionality of Despair and its Association with Substance Misuse and Suicidality in Early to Middle Adulthood" (2022)

Gutin, I., Copeland, W., Godwin, J., Shanahan, L., Gaydosh, L., Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Meeting, "Defining Despair: Assessing the Multidimensionality of Despair and its Association with Substance Misuse and Suicidality in Early to Middle Adulthood" (2022)

Gutin, I., Harris, K. M., Aiello, A., Martin, C., Gaydosh, L., Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences Conference, "Feeling your (epigenetic) age: Using epigenetic clocks to understand self-rated health" (2022)

Gutin, I., Masters, R. K., Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Meeting, "Illustrating the Racialized Mortality Experiences of the U.S. COVID-19 Pandemic via Quarter-Year Changes in U.S. Life Expectancy, 2019-2022" (2022)

Tilstra, A. M., Dowd, J. B., Gutin, I., Aburto, J. M., Population Association of America, "Obesity Deaths: How Different Coding Schemas Affect U.S. Life Expectancy Estimates" (2022)

Australia National University, Department of Sociology, "Finding “Meaning”: Making sense of imperfect theories, concepts, measures, and models in sociological research" (January, 2022)

Carolina Population Center Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, "Which Longitudinal Model Should I Choose?" (February, 2021)

Advancing Health Lifestyles Research Mini-Conference, ""The Patient Five, Ten, Twenty Years from Now": Communicating Risk and Defining Success in Childhood Obesity Diagnosis and Treatment" (2021)

American Sociological Association, "Double Jeopardy: The Cumulative Toll of Objective and Subjective Weight Status on Health from Early Life to Adulthood" (2021)

Population Association of America, "Double Jeopardy: The Cumulative Toll of Objective and Subjective Weight Status on Health from Early Life to Adulthood" (2021)

Bollen, K. A., Gutin, I., American Sociological Association, "Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models of Self-Rated Health" (2021)

Bollen, K. A., Gutin, I., Population Association of America, "Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models of Self-Rated Health" (2021)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Obesity: Weight-Neutrality in Research on Body Size and Health" (January, 2021)

Eastern Sociological Society, "A Sign of Things to Come: The Role of Uncertainty in Childhood Obesity Research and Practice" (2020)

Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Meeting, "Double Jeopardy: The Cumulative Toll of Objective and Subjective Weight Status on Health from Early Life to Adulthood" (2020)

Gutin, I., Bollen, K. A., Halpern, C. T., Harris, K. M., American Sociological Association, "Subjective Health: Contemporaneous and Retrospective Self-Reports versus Proxy Measures" (2020)

Gutin, I., Bollen, K. A., Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Meeting, "Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models of Self-Rated Health" (2020)

Honors and Accolades

Poster Award Winner, PAA Meeting, Atlanta (2022)

Wilson Teaching Award, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2021)

Graduate Student Pilot Research Fund, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020)

Odum Award for Research Excellence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020)

Royster Dissertation Completion Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020)

Summer Research Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020)