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Jacob Bartholomew

Jacob Bartholomew

Contact Information:

Jacob Bartholomew

Ph.D. Student, Sociology Department

Highest degree earned

MA, Sociology, Syracuse University, 2017
MA, Cultural Foundations of Education, Syracuse University, 2009


Jacob Bartholomew is a doctoral student in the Sociology department at Syracuse University. Previously, he was a doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst enrolled in the Social Justice Education concentration. He has worked extensively with Intergroup Dialogue, both at Syracuse and UMass, including co-facilitating academic courses focused on race. He mentored student leaders in SU’s Student Leadership Institute and has current and past experience with data collection (interviews, surveys, focus groups) for SU’s IGD program. Growing up on both sides of the Atlantic, Jacob obtained his undergraduate degree in Sociology and Public Relations and completed his Masters in Cultural Foundations of Education, with a CAS in Women’s and Gender Studies, at Syracuse. His areas of focus include critical whiteness studies, intergroup dialogue, social justice education and pedagogy, and the intersection of masculinity and whiteness. In his spare time Jacob enjoys traveling, baseball, watching movies and walking his Pug, Oscar. 

Research Interests

Critical whiteness studies, Intergroup dialogue, Social justice education & pedagogy, Intersection of masculinity and whiteness