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Kun-Chin (KC) Lin

Contact Information:

Kun-Chin (KC) Lin

Adjunct Professor, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.


PAI 715: China's Challenge to the Global Order

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


Kun-Chin Lin joins Maxwell-in-Washington as an adjunct professor teaching China’s Rise. He is professor of military and security studies at U.S. Space Force Delta 13, and adjunct professor at SAIS-Johns Hopkins. He received a Ph.D. and M.A. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in government from Harvard College.

Lin was a University Lecturer in Politics and Tun Suffian College Lecturer and Fellow at the Gonville & Caius College and directed the Centre for Rising Powers and the Centre for Geopolitics at the University of Cambridge. He was a Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow in Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Oxford and taught at King’s College London and the National University of Singapore.

Lin has an extensive publication history covering maritime powers in Asia, Chinese economic development, energy and transport infrastructure policies, comparative space industrial policies, and Asian regionalism and global governance. His current research focuses on great power competition in the space domain and the industrial policies of Asian spacepowers. He is an editorial board member of Business & Politics, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, and Maritime Policy & Management, and was an associate fellow of The Chatham House in London.

Areas of Expertise

Regional Expertise: China, Regional Expertise: Asia, Regional Expertise: Eurasia, Space Industry, Maritime Security, Eurasian Geopolitics, Energy Policy, Transport Infrastructure Development, Asian Regionalism, Chinese Politics and Economic Development

Research Interests

Space Industry, Chinese Politics, Contemporary Chinese Studies

Research Grant Awards and Projects

  • Air University, Air Command and Staff College, Research Funding Support. In conjunction with the Faculty Research Focal Program (FRFP). For fieldwork in Taipei, Taiwan, Jul. - Aug. 2022.
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan. “Reconstructing Maritime Order in the Indo-Pacific Programme.” Principal Investigator, Centre for Geopolitics (CfG), University of Cambridge. Aug. 2021 – Dec. 2023. 
      • Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. “Maritime Asia: The Secularization of the China Seas in the 19th-21st centuries.” Principal Investigator, POLIS University of Cambridge. Aug. 2021.
        • Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. “Maritime Asia: The Secularization of the China Seas in the 19th-21st centuries.” Principal Investigator, POLIS University of Cambridge. Aug. 2021.
          • Korea Foundation (KF). “The Evolution of Maritime Power: A Historical and Economic Perspective.” Principal Investigator, POLIS University of Cambridge. May 2018 - Nov. 2019.
            • CamPo Collaborative Research Grants Scheme: “Defining the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities for a new regional security architecture in East Asia” (PI: Dr John Nilsson-Wright) Collaborator. Grant amount: £5000. Sep. 2018 - Sep. 2019
              • Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation (CCKF) Research Grant, Europe. “Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia: Historical Legacy and Legal Foundation for Economic and Security Cooperation. Principal Investigator, POLIS University of Cambridge. Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2018.
                • Cambridge Humanities Research Grants - Paris Sciences et Lettres Exchange Scheme, “Historical lessons for contemporary maritime governance in Asia” (in collaboration with Francois Gipouloux, CNRS/EHESS). Nov. 2015 - Nov. 2016.
                  • Research Collaboration Networks Grants, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cambridge. “Sovereignties at Sea: Applying international maritime law to in East and South China Seas” (in collaboration with the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and the Centre for European Legal Studies, University of Cambridge). Feb. 2015- Feb. 2016.
                    • Department of Politics & International Studies, Head of Department Discretionary Fund, University of Cambridge  In support of research project “Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia,” funding a Research Associate at the Centre for Rising Powers, Dec. 2014 - Dec. 2015.
                      • Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation (CCKF) Conference and Seminar Grant. “Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia: Perspectives from Taiwan on Maritime Laws and Regional Security” (with Ming Lee). Matching local sponsorship for a conference in Taipei, June 2015. 
                        • Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund. Cambridge Applicant with Professor Juma Anthony Okuku – a CAPREx Fellow – in “Politics, the State and Limits of Oil-Led Development in Uganda and Ghana.” Collaborative research project sponsored by the Cambridge-Africa Programme, University of Cambridge, Jul. 2014 – Sep. 2015.
                          • Universities' China Committee in London (UCCL). Principal Investigator in “Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia.” Research project and conference organized by the Centre for Rising Powers, University of Cambridge. Sept. 2014.
                            • Taiwan Fellowship. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). “Privatization of Public-Private Partnership in Transport Infrastructure Growth – Taiwanese Reform since 1990.” Research project hosted by the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Jul. 2012 – Jan. 2013.
                              • King’s College London, Alumni Annual Fund. Recipient of funding support for the Distinguished Lecture Series - “King's China, Brazil, India Institutes cross cutting lecture." Sep. 2011 - Aug. 2012.
                                • Singapore Ministry of Education, Academic Research Fund Tier 2. Co-Investigator in “Political Risk, Institutions and Regulatory Regimes in Asia: Developing a meso-level risk measurement system to assess the role of institutional design on political and regulatory risk for foreign direct investment” [PI: Darryl S.L. Jarvis, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore]. Apr. 2008 – Mar. 2011.
                                  • The British Academy Sino-British Fellowship Trust Grant. Principle Collaborator in “Realigning Property Rights in Rural China: Effects on land use, transport networking, and urbanization” [PI: Ran Tao, Centre for Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences]. Dec. 2005 – Nov. 2006.
                                    • The British Academy Joint Research Project Grant. Principle Investigator in “Highway Construction and Rural Development in China: The political economy of intra-governmental coordination for public goods provision” [PC: Li Renqing, Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences]. Jun. 2005 – Nov. 2005.
                                      • National University of Singapore Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Staff Research Support Scheme (SRSS). Projects on highway politics, land use rights, and rural development in China. Aug. 2006 – Dec. 2009.
                                        • The University of Oxford Research Development Fund. Co-leader in “Globalization’s Impact on the Workplace: Realigning corporations, organized labour, and the developmental state” [with Dr. Mark Rebick of the Nissan Institute of the University of Oxford]. Workshop held at St. Anthony’s College, Oct. 2006.
                                          • David L. Boren NSEP Graduate International Fellowship. Dec. 2001 – Nov. 2002. Ph.D. dissertation research.
                                            • Fulbright-IIE Scholarship. Sep. 2000 – Jul. 2001. Ph.D. dissertation research in the PRC.

                                            Selected Publications


                                            • Governance, Domestic Change and Social Policy in China: 100 Years after the Xinhai Revolution. [Co-editor, Jean-Marc Blanchard]. Palgrave, 2016.

                                            Journal Articles

                                            • “Middle Spacepowers’ Integration with the Global Supply Chain for the Space Industry: Taiwan and Thailand.” Forthcoming from Business & Politics (2024).
                                            • “Impacts of High-Speed Railway on Economic Growth and Disparity in China” (with M. Jin, Paul T-W. Lee, K. Li, W. Shi). Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 138 (August 2020): 158-171.
                                            • “Modeling incentive strategies for landside integration in multimodal transport chains” (with C. Qu, Q. Zeng, K. Li). Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 137 (July 2020): 47-64.
                                            • “Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Maritime Commercial Power,” (with K. Li, M. Jin, Y. Xiao, Z. Yang, and K. F. Yuen). Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 135 (May 2020): 160-167.
                                            • “Spatial spillover effects of logistics infrastructure on regional development: Evidence from China,” (with Y. Xiao, G. Qi, W. Shi, ad K. F. Yuen). Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol 135 (May 2020): 96-114.
                                            • “Spatial Distribution of Job Opportunities in China: Evidence from the opening of the high-speed rail” (with M. Jin, X. Feng, G. Qi, W. Shi). Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 133 (March 2020): 138-147.
                                            • “The Effectiveness of the New Inspection Regime for Port State Control: Application of the Tokyo MoU” (with K. Li, G. Qi, G. Wang, Y. Xiao). Marine Policy, Vol. 115 (Feb 2020).
                                            • “How Can Shipowners Comply with the 2020 Global Sulphur Limit Economically?” (with K. Li, W. Shi, J. Yang, M. Zhu). Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol 79 (Feb 2020).
                                            • “The Competitive of Arctic Shipping over Suez Canal and China-Europe Railway” (with K. Li, T. Lu, K. F. Yuen, and Q. Zeng). Transport Policy, Vol. 86 (Feb 2020): 34-43.
                                            • “Marine Piracy Prediction and Prevention: Policy Implications” (with M. Jin, W. Shi and K. Li). Marine Policy, Vol. 108 (Oct 2019).
                                            • “Transforming China’s Electricity Sector: Politics of Institutional Change and Regulation” (With Mika Purra). Energy Policy, Vol.124 (Jan 2019): 401-410.
                                            • “For Whom the Road Tolls Rise: The Politics of Financing the Highway Boom in China.” Asian Survey 58(3) (May/June 2018): 511-534.
                                            • “Protecting the Petroleum Industry: Renewing government aid to fossil fuel producers.” Business & Politics 16(4) (Dec 2014): 549–578.
                                            • “The Local Government in Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies of Fractured Bargaining Relations.” (with Shaofeng Chen) Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 42(4): 171–198, 2013.
                                            • “Contemplating Chinese Foreign Policy: Approaches to the Use of Historical Analysis.” (with Jean-Marc Blanchard). Special Issue: Chinese Foreign Policy: The Quest for Power, Security, and Status. Pacific Focus 28(2) (Aug 2013): 145–169.
                                            • “Politics and the Market in Twenty-First-Century China: Strategies of Authoritarian Management of State-Society Relations.” Political Studies Review 10(1) (Jan 2012): 73-84.
                                            • “The Development of Road Networks in China: Miscalculations and Inequalities.” Asie Visions 24. Paris: Centre Asie, Institut Francais des Relations Internationals (IFRI), February 2010. French version reprinted with permission in Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, Vol. 18 No. 3, 2011.
                                            • “Macroeconomic Disequilibria and Enterprise Reform: Restructuring the Chinese Oil and Petrochemical Industries in the 1990s.” The China Journal, No. 60 (July 2008): 49-79.
                                            • “With Strings Attached? Improving the Administration of Central State-Financed Investment Projects in the PRC.” Asian Journal of Political Science 15(3) (Dec 2007): 319-343.
                                            • “Disembedding Socialist Firms as a Statist Project: Restructuring the Chinese Oil Industry 1997-2002.” Enterprise & Society: The International Journal of Business History 7(1) (March 2006): 59-97.
                                            • “Finding the Right Chemistry? The U.S. Chemical Industry in Asia.” Business and Politics, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2001, pp. 185-202. Also in Vinod Aggarwal ed., Winning in Asia: US Style. NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003. 

                                            Book Chapters

                                            • “Spatial Analysis in Geoeconomics: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis” in The Oxford Handbook of Geoeconomics and Economic Statecraft, Vinod K. Aggarwal, and Tai Ming Cheung, ed. Oxford Academic Online, 22 Feb. 2024.
                                            • “Geo-economics of the Chinese Shipping Industry: Building Maritime Commercial Power from Bust to Boom, 2008-2021” (with Alex Kaplan) in Great Power Competition and Middle Power Strategies. The Political Economy of the Asia Pacific, V. K. Aggarwal and M.A.T. Kenney, ed. Springer Verlag, 2023.
                                            • “Northeast Asia’s Energy Transition - Challenges for a Rules-based Security and Economic Order” (with Tim Reilly) in The Transformation of the Liberal International Order: Evolutions and Limitations, Yuichi Hosoya and Hans Kundnani, ed. Springer Verlag, 2023.
                                            • “Facing the Pacific: An Eastbound Strategy for Taiwanese Maritime Commerce in the 21st Century?” (with Charles Chen) in M. Thornton, R. Ash and D. Fell, ed., Taiwan's Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge, 2021.
                                            • “Britain’s Pivot to Asia: The Big Picture” (with RN Captain Ian Park) in G. Houlden, S. N. Romaniuk and N. Hong, ed., Security, Strategy and Military Dynamics in the South China Sea: Cross-National Perspectives. Bristol University Press, 2021.
                                            • “The Power of Siberia: A Eurasian pipeline policy that is ‘good’ for whom?” (with M. Ozawa, K. Chyong, T. Reilly, C. Humphrey, and C. Wood-Donnelly) Chapter 21 in J Chaplin, M Pollitt, D Reiner, P Warde, M Ozawa, ed., In Search of Good Energy Policy, pp. 305-335. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
                                            • “Governance, Domestic Change, and Social Policy in China in Historical Perspective” [with J-M Blanchard] in J-M Blanchard and KC Lin, ed., Governance, Domestic Change and Social Policy in China: 100 Years after the Xinhai Revolution, pp. 1-20. Palgrave, 2016.
                                            • “Multiple Institutional Templates for Corporate China: The Evolution of Industrial Networks During Marketization” [with Lowell Dittmer] in Hong Yung Lee, ed., A Comparative Study of East Asian Capitalism, pp. 205-236. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California - Berkeley Press, 2014.  
                                            • “Policy Diffusion in Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies of Local Government Interventions” (with Shaofeng Chen) in J.C. Teets and W.J. Hurst, ed., Local Governance Innovation in China: Experimentation, Diffusion, and Defiance, pp. 106-124. Routledge, 2014.
                                            • “Local Government Fiscal Imperative and Debt-Financing in China” [with He Yang and Tao Ran] in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer, ed., Fiscal and Debt Policies for the Future, International Papers in Political Economy Series, pp. 195-236. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
                                            • “Social Change & Inequality.” [With Tao Ran] Chapter 15 in the Routledge Handbook of China's Governance and Domestic Politics, edited by Christopher Ogden, pp. 167-176. London: Routledge, 2012.
                                            • “Governing Chinese National Oil Corporations: From Administrative to Corporate Hierarchy.” A case study in Linda Yueh, Enterprising China: Business, Economics and Law, Pp. 130-135. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
                                            • “Transforming the Wage Regime in Chinese Oilfields and Refineries: A Network Organizational Analysis.” In S. Kuruvilla, M. Gallagher, and C.K. Lee. ed., From Iron-Rice Bowl to Informalization: Markets, State and Workers in a Changing China, pp. 83-106. Cornell University Press, 2011.
                                            • “Regulating Power without a Five Year Plan: Institutional Changes in the Chinese Power Sector” [with Mika Purra and Hui Lin] in Darryl Jarvis, et al, ed., Infrastructure Regulation: What Works, Why, and How Do We Know it? Lessons from Asia and Beyond, pp. 189-230. London: Routledge, 2011.
                                            • “Class Formation or Fragmentation? Allegiances and Divisions among Managers and Workers in State-owned Enterprises” in T. Gold, W. Hurst, J. Won, and L. Qiang, ed., Laid-Off Workers in a Workers' State: Unemployment With Chinese Characteristics, pp. 61-94. Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
                                            • “Rhetoric or Vision? Chinese Responses to U.S. Unilateralism” in V.K. Aggarwal, M.G. Koo, S. Lee, C.I. Moon, ed., Northeast Asia: Ripe for Integration? Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 2008.
                                            • “Strategy without Vision: The U.S. and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation” [with Vinod K. Aggarwal] in Jurgen Roland, Eva Manske, and Werner Draguhn, ed., Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): The First Decade. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.
                                            • “APEC as an Institution” [with Vinod K. Aggarwal] in Richard E. Feinberg and Ye Zhao, ed., Assessing APEC's Progress: Trade, Ecotech, and Institutions. Singapore: ISEAS, 2001. 

                                            Other Publications:

                                            • “Ports, Shipping and Grand Strategy in the Indo-Pacific” in Infrastructure, Ideas, and Strategy in the Indo-Pacific, ed. John Hemmings, The Henry Jackson Society, March 2019.
                                            • “Beijing’s Long Game: Does China present a greater threat to the West than Russia?” (with Brendan Simms), The Spectator, 12 January 2019.
                                            • “Pipeline Politics: Comparative Bargaining Capacity in the Sino-Japanese Competition for Siberian Oil”. [With Brad Williams]. Available as Centre for Rising Powers Working Paper Series No. 5, University of Cambridge, July 2012.
                                            • “Symmetry and Asymmetry in Post Cold War Approaches to Trade and Security in the Pacific Rim.” [with Paul G. Buchanan] The Association of Asia-Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Special Papers series. Winner of the 2006 APRU Fellows Program (AFP) Collaborative Research Paper Award.
                                            • Book reviews in Political Studies Review, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, The China Journal, China Quarterly, Modern Asian Studies, China Review International, Asian Journal of Political Science, Pacific Affairs, Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence.

                                            Presentations and Events

                                            • “US-China Competition at the Planetary Frontiers”, Roundtable co-organizer with US Institute of Peace, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and US Space Force Delta 13, US Institute of Peace, Washington DC, 2 Aug. 2024.
                                              • “China’s Space Collaboration with Africa: Implications and Recommendations for the United States”, Panelist for discussion of new report by US Institute of Peace, Washington DC, 14 Nov. 2023.
                                                • “Taiwan’s Integration with the Global Space Industry Supply Chain”, Lecture for the Technology & Innovation Focus Area Speaker Series, SAIS-Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC, 25 Oct. 2023.
                                                  • “Middle Spacepowers’ Integration with the Global Supply Chain for the Space Industry: Taiwan and Thailand”, Paper presented at the “Middle Power Economic Statecraft” conference, UC Berkeley APEC Study Center and Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley, 27-28 Jan. 2023.
                                                    • “US Space Force: An Informal View”, Presentation at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR). Taipei, Taiwan, 1 Aug. 2022.
                                                      • “Geo-economics of the Chinese Shipping Industry: Building Maritime Commercial Power from Bust to Boom, 2008-2021” (with Alex Kaplan), Paper presented at the “Indo-Pacific Geo-Economic Competition” conference, Berkeley APEC Study Center and Institute for East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley, 13-14 May 2022. Also presented at “Great Power Competition in the 21st Century: The Struggle for Technological, Economic, and Strategic Supremacy” conference, cosponsored by IGCC and the Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, CA, 28-29 Apr. 2022.
                                                        • “The many faces of modern China #4: Biden’s first 100 days: all eyes on Beijing”, Panelist for a panel discussion moderated by Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal, a deBalie’s programme sponsored by the Leiden Asia Center, Amsterdam 11 May 2021.
                                                          • “This House Believes China is More a threat than an Opportunity” – Speaker for the Preposition. The Cambridge Union Debate, cosponsored by the Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 18 Feb. 2021.
                                                            • “Are we at the end of the long twentieth century?” Panelist for the Centre for Geopolitics-Department of Politics & International Studies Joint Webinar, University of Cambridge, 20 Oct. 2020.
                                                              • “China’s Maritime Strategy: Political and Economic Driving Forces”, Speaker (online) for the Young China Watcher San Francisco, 8 Oct. 2020.
                                                                • “China's Rising Power and the EU”, Speaker (online) for the Europe Faculty Masterclass, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, 16 Sep. 2020.
                                                                  • “Tackling Inequalities from the Pandemic,” Panelist for the Gonville & Caius College and Centre for Geopolitics joint webinar, University of Cambridge, 10 Sep. 2020.
                                                                    • “Hong Kong's Future under China's National Security Law”, Moderator of a webinar panel discussion, Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 2 Sep. 2020.
                                                                      • “Sino-Western Relations in the Age of Coronavirus”, Panelist with Joseph Nye, et al, The Cambridge Union, University of Cambridge, 8 Jun. 2020.
                                                                        • “Why Wuhan? Why China?” Moderator of a webinar panel discussion, Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 11 May 2020.
                                                                          • “Investing in Connectivity: A Network Theoretical Approach to Ranking Maritime Power”, Speaker for department seminar, Department of Politics & International Studies, University of Cambridge, 27 Jan. 2020.
                                                                            • “Investing in Connectivity: Port Competitiveness and China’s Rise as a Maritime Power”, Paper presenter at “Great Power Competition in the 21st Century: Linking Economics and Security” conference, Berkeley APEC Study Center and Institute for East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley, 24 Oct. 2019.
                                                                              • “Dimensions of the UK-China relationship in the early 21st Century and beyond”, Speaker for the Mountbatten Society Annual Conference on “UK Defence and Security and China’s Emerging Hybrid Approach”, St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge, 27 Sep. 2019.
                                                                                • “Development and infrastructure: Global Britain in the Indo-Pacific,” Speaker at the Closed-Door Workshop on “British and Vietnamese Perspectives of the Indo-Pacific,” Henry Jackson Society, London, 25 Sep. 2019.
                                                                                  • “The Greatest Geo-Economic Challenge of Our Time? Europe and the Belt and Road Initiative,” Chair and discussant of a panel at the II Cambridge Roundtable on European Order, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 6-8 Sep. 2019.
                                                                                    • “China and Geopolitics,” Speaker on a panel at the Rustat Conference on China's Role in the World, Jesus College, Cambridge, 27 Mar. 2019.
                                                                                      • “Reflections and Future Directions for China Programmes in the UK,” Convenor of a roundtable discussion on Chinese influence in the UK academia, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, 11 Mar. 2019.

                                                                                      Honors and Accolades

                                                                                      • Subject Convenor, Human, Social and Political Sciences (HSPS) Tripos. Equivalent to the academic director of admissions for three majors – political science, sociology, and anthropology. University of Cambridge, Oct. 2018 - Sep. 2020.
                                                                                        • Fellow, Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge, Oct. 2019-present.
                                                                                          • Senior Research Affiliate, Berkeley Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Study Center, UC Berkeley, Oct. 2020-present.
                                                                                            • Senior Research Fellow, Wong MNC Center, 2015-present.
                                                                                              • Acting/Deputy Director, Centre for Geopolitics (CfG), University of Cambridge, Oct. 2018-Sep. 2021
                                                                                                • Director, Centre for Rising Powers (CRP), University of Cambridge, Oct. 2014-Sep. 2017
                                                                                                  • Academic Chair of the editorial board, Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA), Oct. 2018 - Aug. 2021.
                                                                                                    • Associate Fellow, Asia Programme of The Chatham House, 2013-2018
                                                                                                      • Collaborating Partner, Global Biopolitics Research Group, 2010-2017