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Minjung Kim

Minjung Kim

Contact Information:


215 Eggers Hall

Highest degree earned

Ph.D. American University, 2021


Minjung Kim is an assistant professor of public administration and international affairs and a faculty affiliate in the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration. She is also an inaugural research fellow of the Gradel Institute for Charity at Oxford University’s New College.

Prior to joining the Maxwell School, she was an assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Social Impact and Strategy at the University of Pennsylvania.

Minjung’s research interests include public and nonprofit management, organizational theory, organization-stakeholder interaction, charitable giving, social entrepreneurship and social equity. She is particularly interested in how various organizational strategies influence marginalized populations such as racial minorities and low-income citizens in the context of public and nonprofit organizations.

Minjung received a Ph.D. in public administration from American University in 2021.

Areas of Expertise

Public Management, Nonprofit Management, Organizational Theory, Social Equity

Research Grant Awards and Projects

Gabriel G. Rudney Memorial Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Honorable Mention, 2024

Visiting Research Fellowship, The Gradel Institute of Charity, New College, University of Oxford, 2024-25

Nonprofit Early Scholars Fellow, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, American University’s School of Public Affairs, and ARNOVA’s Early Scholars Section, 2024-2025

Emerging Scholar Award, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, 2022

Selected Publications

Minjung Kim. Forthcoming. “The Association Between Performance Information and the Satisfaction of Different Social Groups: Citizen Evaluation by Racial Groups.” International Journal of Public Administration.

Seulki Lee and Minjung Kim. 2024. “Public Perceptions of Sector Bias and Cross-Sector Collaboration: An Experimental Study of Social Service Providers.” Public Management Review 26(8): 2429–2451.

Jihye Jung, Minjung Kim, and Jiwon Suh. 2023. “The Scope of Nonprofit Marketing Research in the Last Twenty Years: Lessons from the Literature.” The Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 28(4).

                *Top cited article, The Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 2022-2023

Nathan Favero and Minjung Kim. 2021. “Everything is Relative: How Citizens Form and Use Expectations in Evaluating Services.” Journal of Public Administration and Research Theory 31(3): 561-577.

Reports, Conference Proceedings, and Other Publications

Lewis Faulk, Mirae Kim, Teresa Derrick-Mills, Elizabeth Boris, Laura Tomasko, Nora Hakizimana, Tianyu Chen, Minjung Kim, and Layla Nath. 2021. “ Nonprofit Trends and Impacts 2021: National Findings on Diversity and Representation, Donation Trends from 2015-2020, and Effects of 2020.” Independent Sector.