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Monica Deza

Monica Deza

(Pronouns: She, Her)

Contact Information:


426 Eggers Hall

Office Hours:

By Appointment

Monica Deza

Associate Professor, Economics Department


  • 2024 Fall
    • ECN 301 Intermediate Microeconomics
  • 2024 Spring
    • ECN 301 Intermediate Microeconomics
    • ECN 610 Special Topics in Economics - Economics of Crime
  • 2023 Fall
    • ECN 301 Intermediate Microeconomics

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2012


Monica Deza is an associate professor in the Economics Department and a senior research associate in the Center for Policy Research. She received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California Berkeley in 2012, where her research interests included economics of crime and risky health behaviors, labor economics and economic demography.

Deza’s research examines determinants of risky health behaviors among youth, particularly drug use and criminal behavior, using empirical methods that run the gamut from quasi-experimental to structural. Deza’s research provides a means of better understanding the extent to which policies that are not specifically intended to decrease crime (e.g. education, access to mental health, labor markets, climate, among others) can have important and previously underappreciated positive spillovers.

Deza is a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) program on Health Economics and a research affiliate at the Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV, ad HIV (CHERISH).

Areas of Expertise

Economics of Crime, Labor Economics, Economic Demography, Economics of Risky health behaviors

Research Grant Awards and Projects

"Exploration of the Relationship Between Substance and Employment: A Structural Approach", Sponsored by National Science Foundation.

Selected Publications

  • Journal Articles
    • Amuedo-Dorantes, C., Deza, M., "Can Sanctuary Policies Reduce Domestic Violence?." American Law and Economics Review, 2022.
    • Deza, M., Maclean, C. and Solomon, K., "Local Access to Mental Healthcare and Crime." Journal of Urban Economics, 2022.
    • Dave, D., Deza, M. and Horn, B., "Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, Opioid Abuse and Crime." Southern Economic Journal, 2021.
    • Chalfin, A., Deza, M., "Immigration Enforcement, Crime and Demography: Evidence from the Arizona Legal Workers Act." Criminology and Public Policy, 2020.
    • Deza, M., "Graduated Driver Licensing and Teen Fertility." Economics and Human Biology, 2019.
    • Chalfin, A., Danagoulian, S. and Deza, M., "More Sneezing, Less Crime? Seasonal Allergies, Transitory Costs and the Market for Offenses." Journal of Health Economics, 2019.
    • Chalfin, A., Deza, M., "The Intergenerational Effects of Education on Delinquency." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019.

Presentations and Events

Eleventh Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Southern Economic Association (SEA), Empirical Criminal Law Roundtable at Duke University (2022)

Tenth Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Southern Economics Association 91st Annual Meeting, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) COVID-19 and Health Outcomes Spring Conference (2021)

Department of Economics at West Virginia University, Online Economics of Crime Seminar, O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs Health Policy Workshop at Indiana University (2020)

Department of Economics at Rutgers University, Annual Eastern Economic Association Conference, Department of Economics Tulane University, NYU Race Crime and Policing Workshop, Center for Demography of Health and Aging at University of Wisconsin- Madison, Department of Economics at University of Connecticut (2019)

American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Department of Economics CUNY Graduate Center, Department of Economics Temple University, Seventh Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon); Southeastern Health Economics Study Group Conference (2018)

Honors and Accolades

Georgescu-Roegen Prize for the best article published in Southern Economic Journal, Southern Economic Association (SEA) (2022)

Best Paper Awards for Earlier-Career Scholars, Criminology and Public Policy (2021)

Outstanding reviewer, Journal of Health Economics (2017)

Recognized reviewer, Economics and Human Biology (2016)

Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE) Fellow (2013 - 2015)