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Selene Cammer-Bechtold

Selene Cammer-Bechtold

Contact Information:

Selene Cammer-Bechtold

Ph.D. Student, Sociology Department

Highest degree earned

MA, Sociology, Syracuse University, 2014
BA, History and Social Studies Secondary Education, SUNY Fredonia, 2003


Selene is a sixth year doctoral student who focuses on education and rural sociology, and the intersection of those two fields. After an undergraduate degree in Social Studies Education and History, she later decided to switch to sociology after various sojourns in the service industry, finance, and higher education. Her tentative dissertation project focuses on the experiences of teachers from urban and suburban backgrounds after finding positions in rural districts.  Other research interests include education reform, notably Common Core implementation in New York State, and the experiences of students from disadvantaged and first generation backgrounds.


Research Interests

Education reform, notably Common Core implementation in New York State