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SAC Presents: Noah Coburn

341 Eggers Hall

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Potters and Warlords in an Afghan Bazaar How does culture shape the way that we understand social organization and violence? This talk focuses on an Afghan market town north of Kabul where the speaker conducted a year and a half of ethnographic research with several lineages of potters. Despite insurgency in neighboring districts and a great deal of tension over land and water rights, the social patterns, including marriage, friendships and both economic competition and cooperation, made violence an unattractive political tool for many of the young men in town. As the presence of international military forces and development continue to reshape the local political landscape, however, power and sovereignty continue to be re-conceptualized. This talk looks at current sources of instability in Afghanistan on both a local and national level, and more broadly asks what this tells us about the relationship between culture, social organization and power.

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Exterior of Maxwell in black and white when there was no Eggers building

We’re Turning 100!

To mark our centennial in the fall of 2024, the Maxwell School will hold special events and engagement opportunities to celebrate the many ways—across disciplines and borders—our community ever strives to, as the Oath says, “transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.”

Throughout the year leading up to the centennial, engagement opportunities will be held for our diverse, highly accomplished community that now boasts more than 38,500 alumni across the globe.