Conversations in Conflict Studies presents: Emily Ballard
400 Eggers Hall
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A community and student leader, Emily Ballard will discuss her work as Deputy Director of Congo Leadership Initiative as well as share ways the student body, faculty and broader community can get involved. She will address the current Conflict Free Campus Initiative, an effort Ms. Ballard and the student organization STAND, a student anti-genocide coalition, are currently pursuing. The initiative seeks to make the University more aware of the minerals used in the technologies it purchases. She will also discuss the current plans for Congo Week at Syracuse University. About the speaker: Emily Ballard is an International Relations and Policy Studies major at Syracuse University. Emily is deeply involved with students at SU, as a representative in student government as well as a founding member of Orange Impact, which provides micro-internships for students at non-profits. She currently serves as the Deputy Director for the Congo Leadership Initiative, a 501(c)3 non-profit that empowers young leaders in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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