TDPE presents: Lorenzo Caliendo
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Lorenzo Caliendo on The Impact of Regional and Sectoral Productivity Changes on the U.S. Economy
Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University
Authors: Lorenzo Caliendo (Yale University), Fernando Parro (Federal Reserve Board), Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University), Pierre-Daniel Sarte (FRB Richmond)
We study the impact of intersectoral and interregional trade linkages in propagating disaggregated productivity changes to the rest of the economy. Using regional and industry data we obtain the aggregate, regional and sectoral elasticities of measured TFP, GDP, and employment to regional and sectoral productivity changes. We find that the elasticities vary significantly depending on the sectors and regions affected and are importantly determined by the spatial structure of the economy. We use these elasticities to perform a variety of counterfactual exercises including a detailed study of the effects of the boom in the Computers and Electronics industry in California.
Professor Caliendo joined Yale School of Management in 2010 after spending a year at Princeton University as a research fellow for the I.E.S. Born in Montevideo, Lorenzo worked in the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industry and completed a degree in business and economics in Uruguay. He holds a PhD and Masters in Economics from the University of Chicago and a Masters degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His research focuses on the trade and welfare effects of international trade policy, on how firms’ organizational structure and productivity change from foreign trade competition and on the macroeconomics effects of international trade and growth.
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Sponsored by Trade Development and Political Economy Program at the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
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