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Conversations in Conflict Studies presents John McPeak

400 Eggers Hall, the PARCC Conference Room

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"Land Use Conflicts and Resolution Mechanisms in Southern Ethiopia: Borana and Guji Communities."  John McPeak, Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs.  

Description: Dr. McPeak will discuss his most recent research paper that explores the determinants of different types of land-use disputes and mechanisms for settlement of land disputes in the agro-pastoral and pastoral areas of Borana and Guji zones, southern Ethiopia. His analysis uses both household survey and qualitative interview data to address: the effects of location on types of land use disputes experienced by households; types of boundary/border disputes experienced; the effects of location on type of institutional mechanism sought for dispute settlement; and level of satisfaction with the institutional mechanism sought for dispute settlement. Dr. McPeak will draw upon his research to discuss that significant spatial and scale differences in the incidence of conflict, and that different types of conflict are taken to different conflict resolution institutions. He will conclude his discussion with the overall findings that state that satisfaction with the outcome is not related to the conflict resolution institution selected, but there is some evidence that overall conflict and dissatisfaction with conflict resolution outcomes are more pronounced among the more mobile, livestock dependent segment of the population than other groups. 
Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter at: PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.

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Throughout the year leading up to the centennial, engagement opportunities will be held for our diverse, highly accomplished community that now boasts more than 38,500 alumni across the globe.