Conflict Management Center Workshop- Cross-Cultural Communication
204 Maxwell Hall
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This workshop will be presented by: Dr. Peter Castro, Associate Professor of Anthropology.
Participants in this workshop will receive a general introduction to culture from anthropological and philosophical perspectives and cross-‐cultural communication dynamics in conflict and every day situations across the world. This extremely hands-on and interactive workshop will highlight basic cultural awareness, and cross- cultural communication and conflict management skills. Participants will receive a general introduction to thinking and working with cultural difference in conflict management that will provide you with a great opportunity to learn and develop facilitation skills that will serve as a foundation for working with diverse groups both in professional and community outreach.
The workshop is FREE and open to all, but registration is required.
To register for this training, please send an email to:
The Conflict Management Center (CMC) is a student-led, educational project of the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC). The organization focuses on developing skills in conflict transformation and in training others in those skills through workshops and outreach events that are open to both the University and the greater Syracuse community.
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