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Clocks, Clouds and Collaboration: The Evolution of a Research Agenda

Maxwell Hall, 204

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In this talk, Tina Nabatchi will explore how her research agenda has evolved over time. She’ll begin with a “clocks and clouds” metaphor that helps frame the kinds of ‘big’ questions that interest her. She’ll then turn to collaboration and collaborative governance, explaining how her research has shifted from studying specific processes to building frameworks and theory to empirical testing. She will illustrate this evolution with her current project, “The Atlas of Collaboration,” which is an attempt to build a large-n database on collaborative governance that contains multi-level and multi-type data that span and connect individuals, structures, processes, outputs and outcomes. 


Research Support


Lectures and Seminars



Open to


Students, Graduate and Professional


Stephanie Williams


Contact Stephanie Williams to request accommodations

Exterior of Maxwell in black and white when there was no Eggers building

We’re Turning 100!

To mark our centennial in the fall of 2024, the Maxwell School will hold special events and engagement opportunities to celebrate the many ways—across disciplines and borders—our community ever strives to, as the Oath says, “transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.”

Throughout the year leading up to the centennial, engagement opportunities will be held for our diverse, highly accomplished community that now boasts more than 38,500 alumni across the globe.