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CPR Methods Workshop: Xue Zhang, “Web Scraping with Python for Beginners: BeautifulSoup Library”

Eggers Hall, 060

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Xue Zhang, Lerner Postdoctoral Scholar in Population Health will present “Web Scraping with Python for Beginners: BeautifulSoup Library” as part of the CPR Methods Workshop Series.

Description: In today's data-driven world, the ability to extract valuable information from websites is a crucial skill. BeautifulSoup, a Python library, simplifies this process by parsing HTML and XML documents, enabling you to navigate and extract data efficiently. In this seminar, you'll learn to harness BeautifulSoup's power to scrape data from websites, from understanding HTML structure to handling common scraping challenges. Whether you're new to programming or just getting started with web scraping, this course will provide you with the essential skills to gather data from the web effectively and ethically. Let's embark on this web scraping journey together, tailored for beginners like you!

Prerequisites: Prior programming experience is NOT required. Please bring your laptop to the seminar and make sure you have a Google account. This is because Google Research developed “Google Collab” that allows anyone to write and execute Python code without installing any software and most of the Python packages. 


Social Science and Public Policy


Lectures and Seminars



Open to


Students, Graduate and Professional


MAX-Center for Policy Research


Alyssa Kirk


Contact Alyssa Kirk to request accommodations

Exterior of Maxwell in black and white when there was no Eggers building

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To mark our centennial in the fall of 2024, the Maxwell School will hold special events and engagement opportunities to celebrate the many ways—across disciplines and borders—our community ever strives to, as the Oath says, “transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.”

Throughout the year leading up to the centennial, engagement opportunities will be held for our diverse, highly accomplished community that now boasts more than 38,500 alumni across the globe.