Citizenship in Perspective: Gender, Geopolitics and the Legacy of U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan
Eggers Hall, 341
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Join us for a discussion of gender and geopolitics in the context of U.S. intervention in Afghanistan. Our expert speaker, Professor Jennifer Fluri will delve into the impacts of U.S. policies and practices in the country from the occupation after 2001 until the evacuation and the Taliban’s takeover in 2021. Professor Fluri’s talk will offer critical insight into the legacy of the U.S.’s 20-year war to help situate the current humanitarian and economic crises that have exacerbated challenges for already vulnerable populations in Afghanistan, including women and girls who face severe restrictions on their fundamental freedoms and rights.
Speaker: Jennifer Fluri, Department Chair and Professor of Geography, University of Colorado Boulder
Moderator: Sohrob Aslamy, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University
Jennifer Fluri is department chair and professor of geography at the University of Colorado Boulder. A feminist political geographer concentrating on conflict, security and aid/development, Fluri has carried out extensive research on Afghanistan, focusing on women’s social and political activism, influence and power in the country. Her work has been funded by the United States Institute for Peace as well as the National Science Foundation and has been published in multiple books and leading geographic journals. Since the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan, she has turned her attention to Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. and Canada, along with the status of women’s rights and their social, politicalnd economic participation in Afghanistan.
Social Science and Public Policy
Lectures and Seminars
Open to
MAX-Central Asia and the Caucasus Initiative, MAX-Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs
Contact Mirjakhon Turdiev to request accommodations