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Democracy, Authoritarianism and Nationalism: India in Comparative Perspective

Maxwell Hall, Maxwell Auditorium

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The State of Democracy Lecture Series welcomes Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Laurence S. Rockefeller Visiting Professor for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University.

He was previously vice-chancellor of Ashoka University and president at the Centre for Policy Research in Delhi. He has published widely in political theory, history of ideas, Indian constitutional law, and politics in India. He is the author of "The Burden of Democracy" (Penguin 2003) and has produced several edited volumes. He is (most recently) co-editor with Madhav Khosla and Sujit Choudhary of "The Oxford Handbook to the Indian Constitution."

His forthcoming work looks at philosophical ideas about religion in 20th-century India. He is also a fellow of the British Academy and SSRC Fellow for 2020. His policy experience includes being convenor of the prime minister of India's Knowledge Commission (2005-2007) and member of India’s National Security Advisory Board.

This event is co-sponsored by the South Asia Center in the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.


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Jackie Nocevski


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