What's the Prognosis? Health Care Policy Futures in the Trump Administration
Strasser Legacy Room, 220 Eggers Hall
The Maxwell School is a graduate school of social science with a unique multidisciplinary character that cuts across traditional departmental lines. At Maxwell, theory and practice are regarded with equal seriousness: the barriers that divide academic disciplines from one another and from the larger world of public life are routinely breached by the wide-ranging scholarly and educational activities of an outstanding faculty and an exceptionally cosmopolitan student body
A faculty panel on American health, the Affordable Care Act, and the potential impact of Republican proposals to replace it. Faculty participants will include Tom Dennison and Cynthia Morrow, both from Maxwell’s Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion; sociologist Jennifer Karas Montez; and economist Perry Singleton. RSVP is strongly recommended, seating is limited. Parking available in Irving Garage. This event is also available for viewing and sharable via Facebook and will be embedded for viewing right here on this page. Join the conversation on Twitter at @MaxwellSU.