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The Process of Policy Seminar Series: Election Administration

Davor Mondom

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This panel will explore how and when state and local election officials are included in election administration policymaking and where policy can strengthen this civic necessity in the future.

Since at least the 2016 U.S. presidential election and during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, which was administered in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, election administration has been an increasingly difficult, polarized, and even dangerous civic process that is nonetheless central to procedural democracy. Election administrators have seen their roles in the process of policymaking change drastically during this time, and this panel will explore how and when state and local election officials are included in such processes and where policy can strengthen this civic necessity in the future. 


Saba Siddiki, associate professor and director of the Center for Policy Design and Governance, Syracuse University

Ryan Suto, interim director of government affairs, FairVote


Richard Barton, assistant teaching professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department, Syracuse University

Jeff Greenburg, senior advisor on election administration, Committee of Seventy

Audrey Kline, deputy clerk and recorder, City and County of Denver