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Maxwell School News and Commentary

‘We are a New Generation of Young and Enthusiastic Leaders’

Jahongir Aminjanov ’22 shares refugee experience in his Graduate Convocation address.

May 17, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

Maxwell Prepared Mike Tirico ’88 for his ‘Most Challenging Assignment’

A bachelor’s degree from the Maxwell School and the College of Arts and Sciences helped prepare famed broadcaster Mike Tirico to take on one of the toughest assignments of his storied career: the 2022 Winter Olympics in Bejing, China.

May 16, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

Williams Talks to CBC News About Finland and Sweden Joining NATO

Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed for the CBC News article, "Putin wanted less NATO on his border. Finland and maybe Sweden will give him more."

May 16, 2022

See related: Europe, NATO, Russia

Garcia, Lerner Center Research on COVID and the Latino Mortality Advantage Cited in NBC News Story

A recent Lerner Center research brief co-authored by Assistant Professor of Sociology Marc Garcia was cited in the NBC News article, "Covid-19 narrows long-standing Latino mortality advantage, study finds."

May 16, 2022

Sociologist Shannon Monnat to Lead Center for Policy Research

A demographer and sociologist whose work focuses on population health will serve as the next director of the Center for Policy Research (CPR), the oldest interdisciplinary social science research program at the Maxwell School. Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion and professor of sociology, will begin the position on July 1, 2022. 

May 16, 2022

Excerpt From Huber's New Book on Climate Change Published in Jacobin

Professor Matthew Huber's newly published book, "Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet," was featured in the Jacobin article, "'Awareness' Will Not Save Us From Climate Disaster."

May 12, 2022

See related: Climate Change

Gadarian Discusses the Senate-Blocked Women's Health Protection Act in France 24 Article

Professor Shana Gadarian was quoted in the France 24 article, "US Republicans block Senate bill to protect access to abortion" and AFP article, "U.S. abortion ruling roils midterm election campaign."

May 12, 2022

Keck Comments on the Crisis Within the Supreme Court in Politico

Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, was quoted in the Politico article, "Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe is still the only one circulated inside Supreme Court."

May 11, 2022

Chilean President Travels Coach—Right Next to a Maxwell Student

The lucky coincidence was a highlight of Rohan Popenoe’s research trip to Chile, made possible by several Syracuse University programs and people.

May 10, 2022

Lovely Quoted in Washington Post Article on Commerce Investigation into Asian Solar Panel Makers

Professor Mary Lovely was quoted in the Washington Post article, "White House alarmed that Commerce probe is ‘smothering’ solar industry."

May 10, 2022

See related: China, Federal, United States

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