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Maxwell School News and Commentary

WP 239 The Effect of Industrial Robots on Workplace Safety

Ling Li & Perry Singleton
February 1, 2021

WP 237 Trimmed Mean Group Estimation

Yoonseok Lee & Donggyu Sul
January 31, 2021

Takeda narrates early French-Persian trade relations

Junko Takeda
January 31, 2021

See related: Trade

Williams explains the value of a NATO Carrier Strike Group on Atlantic Council podcast

Michael John Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was a guest on the Atlantic Council's NATO 20/2020 podcast.
January 29, 2021

See related: Defense & Security, NATO

Barkun cited in Mere Orthodoxy article on insurgency in America

Professor Emeritus Michael Barkun's research on extremism and conspiracy theories was cited in the Mere Orthodoxy article, "A Homegrown Christian Insurgency."
January 28, 2021

Popp weighs in on Biden's climate directives in New York Times

David Popp, Caroline Rapking Faculty Scholar in Public Administration and Policy and co-author of a 2020 paper on the employment effects of the Obama-era spending on green job creation, discounted the notion of creating one million new auto manufacturing jobs. 
January 28, 2021

Himmelreich discusses vaccine verification systems in Brookings piece

Baobao Zhang, Laurin Weissinger, Johannes Himmelreich, Nina McMurry, Tiffany Li, Naomi Schinerman & Sarah Kreps
January 28, 2021

See related: COVID-19

Landes study on signature authority, cause of death accuracy published

J. Dalton Stevens & Scott D. Landes
January 27, 2021

Thompson shares her thoughts on Biden, Harris with LocalSYR

"President Biden served eight years as vice president, so he was very much involved in the Obama presidency," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. 
January 26, 2021

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