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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Reeher weighs in on state abortion laws in TIME

Grant Reeher discusses the state politics behind abortion access in the TIme article, "Trump Keeps Talking About Second-Trimester Abortions. Here's What He Gets Wrong." As efforts heat up to ban abortion on a national level, blue states are looking to strengthen their abortion laws, while red states are attemtping to dismantle them. Reeher says these restrive efforts are meant "to be tested in courts."

April 30, 2019

US and China resume trade talks, Lovely comments in Associated Press

"The two bullies in the room are basically running the show. The rest of the world is going to have to deal with the aftermath," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 30, 2019

Maxwell students named 2019-20 Remembrance Scholars

The scholarships were founded as a tribute to—and means of remembering—the 35 students who were killed in the Dec. 21, 1988, bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and are funded through an endowment supported by gifts from alumni, friends, parents and corporations. 

April 30, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Rosenthal cited in NY Times article on neighborhood racial change

Stuart Rosenthal, professor and chair of economics, argues that it’s often possible to predict a neighborhood’s income level 20 years into the future by the age of its housing stock today. 

April 29, 2019

Maxwell faculty, students honored at One University Awards ceremony

Syracuse University held the third annual One University Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 12, 2019, in Hendricks Chapel, honoring dozens of members of the University community for their scholarship, teaching, academic achievement, leadership and service.

April 26, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Model UN team named Outstanding Delegation at spring 2019 conference

The team earned the accolade for its portrayal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the National Model United Nations conference held April 13-19. Eighteen students majoring in international relations participated as delegates in this academic conference.

April 25, 2019

Bifulco study on Say Yes to Education program published in JPAM

Robert Bifulco, Ross Rubinstein & Hosung Sohn
April 25, 2019

Anthropology Professor Hans Buechler marks 50 years of service

Hans Buechler, professor of anthropology was honored at the One University Awards ceremony, held on April 12.

April 24, 2019

See related: Awards & Honors

Policy Studies student Kyle Rosenblum named 2020 Senior Class Marshal

The Senior Class Marshals exemplify what it means to be Orange as well-rounded leaders who have excelled academically and co-curricularly, all while engaging on campus and beyond through research, service and leadership opportunities. “I am most looking forward to forming new and strengthening existing connections throughout campus,” Rosenblum says.

April 24, 2019

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