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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Nabatchi named Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration

Tina Nabatchi, a leading scholar on citizen participation, collaborative governance, and conflict resolution, and on challenges in public administration, has been named the inaugural Joseph A. Strasser Endowed Professor in Public Administration at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
September 18, 2018

A&S, Maxwell welcome advising, career services directors

“They make sure students leverage their liberal arts experience, along with everything else Syracuse has to offer,” says Steven Schaffling, the college’s assistant dean of student success, about the new directors. He adds, “they provide students with the programming, tools and resources they need to compete in today’s knowledge economy."

September 17, 2018

Philip Curtis '10 BA (Geo) article on forest loss published in Science

"Classifying drivers of global forest loss," co-authored by Philip Curtis '10 BA (Geog), was published in Science magazine. Curtis et al. used high-resolution Google Earth imagery to map and classify global forest loss since 2001 and found that 27 percent of global forest loss is due to deforestation through permanent land use change for the production of commodities, including beef, soy, palm oil, and wood fiber.
September 17, 2018

See related: Agriculture

Anthropology student participates in community-based research

Grace E. Gugerty ’19 wasn’t too nervous when she first met the refugee family who she would be learning about over the span of the spring semester. She and an Upstate Medical University medical student were teamed up in the course Refugee Health Advocacy to learn about certain aspects of the family’s life and work with them to find solutions to potential issues surrounding health and well-being.
September 17, 2018

Mary Daly '94 PhD (Econ) appointed president of SF Federal Reserve Bank

"I believe very strongly in the Federal Reserve’s mission and in the important role we play in helping to create strong, stable economic conditions in all corners of the country that allow individuals and businesses to prosper," says Mary C. Daly '94 Ph.D. (Econ).

September 17, 2018

Heflin weighs in on NY's childhood poverty rates in Ithaca Journal

"The workforce is not going to be as dynamic as other parts of the country," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs. "It's going to be a pull on our economy going forward," because children growing up in poverty traditionally have lower educational attainment and wages.

September 14, 2018

Reeher comments on NY Democratic primary in Reuters article

"One of the things I’ve been most struck by is how the reaction to Trump has so deeply affected state-level contests, even at the district level," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

September 14, 2018

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