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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Lovely quoted in CNBC article on China President Xi, US trade dispute

For Xi's government, "this particular episode is going to play right into their ability to get people on their side because Trump is seen as the aggressor," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 9, 2018

Geog student Sohrob Aslamy awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Sohrob Aslamy received a 2018 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program award. 
April 6, 2018

Maxwell Dean Emeritus John Palmer named as SU mace bearer

John Palmer, University Professor and dean emeritus of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, has been named a Syracuse University mace bearer. The charter mace is an ancient symbol of authority and represents the University’s mission and integrity.

April 6, 2018

Popp paper on environmentally beneficial innovation published in REEP

Cameron Hepburn, Jacquelyn Pless & David Popp
April 6, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China trade dispute in CNN Money, Christian Science Monitor

International automakers are "training their future competitors and receiving only a fraction of what their intellectual property would earn" if they were allowed to go it alone in China, says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 6, 2018

Student Carol Tojeiro discusses workforce gender inequality in Cornell Policy Review

"To improve women’s access to employment and increase workforce productivity, the Argentine government must design and adopt inclusive gender-sensitive public policies, address social unrest, and measure the impact of such policies in addressing gender equality," writes M.A. (IR/Econ) candidate Carol Tojeiro.

April 5, 2018

Monnat featured in AgriNews article on rural opioid crisis

"This can’t be about government doing it all. It has to be about collaboration and community cohesion. Opioids thrive on isolation. The only way to combat this problem is community," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

April 5, 2018

Banks speaks to Military Times about US troops moving to Mexico border

"If the Guard is deployed as it has been in the past, there would be little those troops could do to stop crime along the border," says William Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs.

April 5, 2018

Reeher discusses mayors as presidential candidates in the Hill

"There are a lot of things that make it tough for mayors to emerge as presidential candidates and I think its because of the fact that their records are always going to be impeachable, and the constituencies that they tend to represent have a harder time being seen around the rest of the country," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science. 

April 5, 2018

Maxwell students named as University Scholars, highest undergrad honor

Two Maxwell international relations students were among the twelve seniors named as 2018 Syracuse University Scholars, the University's highest undergraduate honor.
April 5, 2018

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