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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Alexander observes Russian election, offers her expertise in Siberia

Deborah Alexander ’82 M.S.Sc./’95 Ph.D. (SSc) represented the United States on an international delegation in Russia, where she observed the Federal Assembly of Russia’s State Duma elections. Alexander’s expertise in overseeing election procedures builds off of her long and distinguished career in international affairs and diplomacy.

November 18, 2016

Cunningham discusses Islamic extremism, receives SU alumni award

Distinguished alumnus Ambassador James B. Cunningham '74 B.A. (PSc/Psych) was invited to speak at Syracuse University’s Orange Central celebrations. Reviewing mistakes made since 9/11, the Ambassador argued that—particularly in today's political atmosphere—America needs serious discussions that lead to a long-term, sustainable strategy in the region.

November 18, 2016

2016-17 Remembrance Scholars to be honored at Convocation

The 2016-17 Convocation for Remembrance Scholars honors 35 outstanding students, many of whom are Maxwell Scholars. 
November 1, 2016

Hromadžić, plan to study elder care in Bosnia, spotlighted in DO

Azra Hromadžić, assistant professor of anthropology, said she plans to return to Bosnia to focus on the country’s lagging public health services for the nation’s aging.

November 1, 2016

Faricy discusses gender gap amongst voters on

Chris Faricy, assistant professor of political science, says the modern gender gap can be traced to the Democratic and Republican split over the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, and he expects the trend to continue. 

November 1, 2016

Khalil discusses new book on Australian radio program

Osamah Khalil, assistant professor of history, says that "President Obama rhetorically argues that he is in favor of democracy in the region...and yet, the actual reality on the ground is that the United States is siding with very conservative forces in the region, particularly those in the Persian Gulf."

November 1, 2016

WP 196 Stationary Points for Parametric Stochastic Frontier Models

William C. Horrace & Ian A. Wright
Stability of the stationary point and "wrong skew" results are derived or simulated for common parametric assumptions on the model. Identification is discussed.
October 31, 2016

WP 195 The Academic Effects of Chronic Exposure to Neighborhood Violence

Amy Ellen Schwartz, Agustina Laurito, Johanna Lacoe, Patrick Sharkey & Ingrid Gould Ellen
October 31, 2016

See related: Crime & Violence

Rosenthal article on housing price bubbles, new supply, and within-city dynamics published in JUE

Crocker H. Liu, Adam Nowak & Stuart S. Rosenthal
October 31, 2016

See related: Housing

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