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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Study by Rosenthal featured in CityLab article on vertical economy

A study co-authored by Stuart Rosenthal, "The vertical city: Rent gradients, spatial structure, and agglomeration economies," was published in the Journal of Urban Economics and is featured in the CityLab article, "Cities and the Vertical Economy."

July 19, 2018

Lovely discusses US-China tariffs in Associated Press, Atlantic, Wash Post, Wall Street Journal

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, explains why lower-income consumers, who tend to buy more goods from countries such as China, might end up feeling squeezed more than their higher-income counterparts.

July 19, 2018

Michelmore publishes study on union stability, couples with children

Kelly Musick & Katherine Michelmore
July 18, 2018

Banks discusses Strzok testimony on Bloomberg radio

William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, says that FBI agent Peter Strzok's testimony across multiple reports has consistently maintained that the FBI's Russia investigation was impartial and without bias.

July 18, 2018

Maxwell’s Schwartz and team secure DOE grant to study school choice

“This excellent team offers an exciting opportunity to make real progress in reducing achievement gaps for disadvantaged students by identifying ways to increase access to high-quality education,” says Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair of Public Affairs. She is part of the team that received a five year, $10 million DOE grant.

July 17, 2018

Taylor weighs in on Trump-Putin summit in NY Times, Spectrum, WAER

"The whole press conference was Trump repeatedly scoring own goals with the ball that Putin had given him," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science, adding, "Putin must’ve been extremely happy."

July 17, 2018

Elizabeth Cohen quoted in PolitiFact article on ICE, border control

According to Elizabeth Cohen, associate professor of political science, "Customs and Border Protection is responsible for enforcement at the border and 100 miles in from any point on the border of the U.S., land and water. Eliminating ICE would not eliminate CBP or enforcement at the border."

July 17, 2018

Bybee featured in Watertown Daily Times article on SCOTUS nominee

 "He’s no Kennedy," Keith Bybee, professor of political science, says of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. "To the extent Kavanaugh disagrees with’ll see the court change."

July 13, 2018

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