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Banks discusses Trump's emergency powers in NY Times, Vox

February 15, 2019

New York Magazine,The New York Times,Vox

William C. Banks

William C. Banks

On Thursday, February 14, President Trump announced his intention to claim emergency powers to build the wall at the US-Mexico border. "This is a real institutional threat to the separation of powers to use emergency powers to enable the president to bypass Congress to build a wall on his own initiative that our elected representatives have chosen not to fund," William Banks told the New York Times. "It sets a precedent that a president can, without regard to an actual existence of an emergency, use this tool to evade the normal democratic process and fund projects on his own," he added. Banks was also interviewed by

New York Times: "Trump’s Face-Saving Way Out of Crisis Raises Fears Over Rule of Law" "Trump wants the military to build the border wall. It might not be legal"

Banks was also cited in the New York Magazine article "Everything You Need to Know About Trump’s National Emergency Plan." 


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