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Jackson Provides Key Takeaways From Biden’s Press Conference on Bloomberg TV

July 15, 2024


Jenn M. Jackson

Jenn M. Jackson

On Thursday, President Joe Biden participated in a critical news conference at the NATO summit, aiming to convince his detractors and supporters that he is able to serve another four years in office.

“The gaffes really highlighted the concerns that he's not quite in full control of his faculties....I think some of this is being chalked up to nerves but either way, he is not doing the work that's necessary to reassure voters that he's ready for the job for the next four years,” says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

“What he really has to do, and I think what Democrats at-large have to do, is get really serious about, if this is going to be the candidate, if he is the guy—he says he's the guy—what does that mean for his surrogates? What does that mean for one single, unified message that they can get out to voters about his preparedness? They haven't done this yet,” Jackson says.

“Republicans can really get behind one singular message or set of narratives and they really push it to voters. Democrats have consistently struggled with this, and it's very clear to see the dissention between factions in Democratic parties and groups. It's very clear to see when there's issues between the Harris camp and the Biden camp, and they've got to get on the same page. If they do not, they are not going to be successful in November,” Jackson says.

Watch the full interview via Bloomberg TV.

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