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Jales Weighs In on South Korea’s Plan to Address Low Fertility Rate in Think Global Health Article

September 17, 2024

Think Global Health

Hugo Jales

Hugo Jales

In May, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced in May plans to establish a government ministry that would address the low number of births in the country.

The high cost of housing, schooling, and long working hours have contributed to the low fertility rate. Yoon pledged to boost parental leave allowances, lengthen time off for fathers, institute flexible employment schedules, and lighten the educational hardship on parents. 

“Most people are not on the fence about having a (or another) child. Thus, to get someone who would otherwise choose not to have children to change their behavior will take large incentives,” says Hugo Jales, associate professor of economics. “The baby bonus's original values were certainly far from changing most families' fertility choices.”

Read more in the Think Global Health article, “South Korea's Plan to Avoid Population Collapse.”

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