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Williams Weighs in on Looming Stalemate in Ukraine, Expanding Coalition of Nations in New York Times

June 14, 2022

The New York Times

Michael John Williams

Michael J. Williams

As the Ukraine-Russia conflict enters it's fourth month, the Biden administration is trying to convince countries—including India, Brazil, Israel and the Gulf Arab states—to join the coalition of nations in order to end the looming stalemate in Ukraine. So far, few if any of them have been willing. 

“Key strategic middle powers such as India, Brazil and South Africa are consequently treading a very sharp line in an attempt to preserve their strategic autonomy and cannot be expected to simply sidle up to the U.S.,” says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs and former adviser to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 

“Washington believes this war will be won in the West,” Williams says, “but the Kremlin believes it will be won in the East and the Global South.”

Read more in the New York Times article, "Biden Races to Expand Coalition Against Russia but Meets Resistance."

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