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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: The Washington Post

Lovely discusses US-China trade war with ABC News, Marketplace, Wall Street Journal

"I think that if President Trump goes through and raises these tariffs and then China retaliates, there will be a lot more pain and no gain," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely.

May 13, 2019

Drew Kinney '18 PhD (PSc) discusses crisis in Venezuela in The Washington Post

Drew Kinney '14 M.A./'18 Ph.D. (PSc) says head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó's "courting of the military to intervene in the political process and overthrow a state’s executive leadership is a textbook case of civilian coup advocacy."

May 3, 2019

Keck discusses the problems facing the voting rights bill in Washington Post

"If Democrats want universal adult voter registration, nonpartisan electoral districting and mandatory disclosure of election-related spending, they would probably have to embed those requirements in the Constitution as well," writes Thomas Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics.

March 7, 2019

Lovely speaks with Associated Press, Washington Post about Trump's tariffs

According to Professor of Economics Mary Lovely, "this is not a negotiating tactic. Trump is a true believer...He wrongly believes tariffs will help the U.S. auto industry."

February 15, 2019

Dickey discusses federal government shutdown in Washington Post

To reconcile the differences between the Antideficiency Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act, Todd Dickey, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, suggests that the government "could make clear when the government could lawfully pay FLSA-required wages for labor performed during a shutdown." 

January 14, 2019

Lovely discusses economy, trade war with Bloomberg, NPR, Washington Post

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, notes that some Chinese goods have no alternative sourcing, and even when workarounds from other countries are available, they are often not perfect substitutes and lead to higher pricing for U.S. companies.

January 10, 2019

Lovely discusses trade war with Wash Post, Business Insider, NPR

"People who shop at Walmart or Target are going to be hit harder than people who buy their toaster ovens from Williams Sonoma or can afford to get products from a higher-income country," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

December 4, 2018

Lovely speaks with Washington Post, Marketplace, Financial Post about GM plant closures

"Trade policy does have an impact because it raised costs significantly for steel and aluminum, and the industry told Trump it would do that," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "They already weren’t able to sell enough vehicles to keep these lines productive and raising costs by a billion dollars? It doesn’t help."

November 29, 2018

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