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In the News: Kent Jason Cheng

Electoral Democracy and Working-Age Mortality

Jennifer Karas Montez, Kent Jason Cheng, Jacob M. Grumbach

"Electoral Democracy and Working-Age Mortality," co-authored by University Professor Jennifer Karas Montez and social science Ph.D. student Kent Cheng, was published in The Milbank Quarterly.

July 10, 2023

Democratic Erosion Predicts Rising Deaths from Drug Poisoning and Infectious Disease

Jennifer Karas Montez, Kent Jason G. Cheng, and Jacob M. Grumbach
This brief summarizes a study examining how changes in electoral democracy in the 50 states predicted changes in the risk of death among adults ages 25-64 during 2000-2019.
June 22, 2023

Kent Cheng article Influenza-Associated Excess Mortality in Philippines '16-15 published in PLOS ONE

Cheng and his coauthors find that influenza deaths are dramatically under-counted in Philippines' national data.
September 23, 2022

Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in COVID-19 Mortality Rates

Yue Sun, Kent Jason G. Cheng, Shannon Monnat
June 23, 2022

See related: COVID-19, Longevity

Rural COVID Mortality Rates Highest in Counties with the Largest Percentages of Blacks and Hispanics

Yue Sun, Shannon M. Monnat, Kent Jason G Cheng

COVID-19 mortality risk is not distributed equally across the U.S. Among rural counties, the average daily increase in COVID-19 mortality rates has been significantly higher in counties with the largest percentages of Black and Hispanic residents.

September 7, 2020

Geographic Disparities in COVID-19 Testing: An Urgent Call to Action

Shannon M. Monnat , Kent Jason G Cheng

This research brief shows that testing rates are lower in states with the unhealthiest populations and worst health care access. Disparities in testing rates are troubling because delays in testing increase the risk of a surge in silent spread and severe COVID-19 cases in these states.

April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Testing Rates are Lower in States with More Black and Poor Residents

Shannon M. Monnat , Kent Jason G Cheng

This data slice shows that testing rates to date have been lower in states with higher percent black populations and higher poverty rates. Without proper testing and physical distancing protocols, these states risk a surge in severe COVID-19 cases, overwhelming their already resource strapped healthcare systems.

April 1, 2020

Unhealthier States have Lower COVID-19 Testing Rates

Kent Jason G Cheng

This data slice dissects the various rates of state testing for COVID-19 across the country, and explains implications of the low test rates in the unhealthier states.

March 23, 2020

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