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In the News: Scott D. Landes

Senior Kara Foley wins top undergraduate research prize

Kara Foley, a senior majoring in international relations and policy studies, won the Maxwell School’s annual Ben and Marcia Baldanza Prize for top undergraduate research paper, as part of the School’s annual efforts to recognize exemplary undergraduate research. 
May 13, 2020

COVID-19 & Pneumonia: Increased Risk for Individuals with Disabilities during the Pandemic

Scott D. Landes, Dalton Stevens, Margaret A. Turk

This brief describes the implications of higher rates of pneumonia among individuals with IDD for increased risk of serious complications (including death) from COVID-19.

April 27, 2020

Potential Impact of COVID on Individuals with Disability: Call for Accurate Cause of Death Reporting

Dalton Stevens, Scott D. Landes

Why might the COVID19 case fatality rate be higher among people with intellectual and development disabilities?

April 14, 2020

Sociology faculty co-author paper on health care for aging veterans

Janet M. Wilmoth, Andrew S. London & Scott D. Landes
Given that U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care is targeted, many veterans do not receive health-care services. Additionally, some veterans who have high priority for receipt of services do not obtain health care from the VA because they have access to other, preferred providers. As a result, a relatively small minority of veterans use VA health-care services.
February 10, 2020

Landes examines how interpersonal relationships affect human agency

Scott D. Landes & Richard A. Settersten Jr.
November 6, 2019

Tenth Decade Fund supports new scholarly projects

The Maxwell School’s Tenth Decade Project provides seed funding for worthy scholarly projects that have the potential to produce significant external research funding and high-impact publications. Since it was created, the Tenth Decade Project has attracted nearly $850,000 in gifts from 267 individual donors, including a lead gift from long-time Maxwell supporters Gerry and Daphna Cramer.

October 2, 2019

See related: Giving, Grant Awards

Preventable causes of death are not accurately counted for adults with intellectual disability

Scott D. Landes
This research brief reports on findings from a recent research on errors in cause of death reporting on death certificates for individuals with disabilities. 
February 26, 2019

Soc faculty publish study on veteran mortality, health care coverage

Scott D. Landes, Andrew S. London & Janet M. Wilmoth
The authors argue that, in order to fully understand veteran status differences in morbidity and mortality, future studies must move beyond the analysis of veteran- and Veteran Affairs-only samples, and should take into account variable connections of subpopulations to the military, resultant differences in types of health care coverage, and sex/gender.
September 6, 2018

Soc faculty discuss impact of SCD on veteran mortality at ASA meeting

“Although past research has documented a higher overall mortality risk among veterans compared to non-veterans, no study until now has considered the contribution of SCD to veteran-non-veteran mortality differentials,” says Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology and the paper’s lead author.

August 16, 2018

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