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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Defense & Security

Reeher comments on Jordan's proposed gun legislation in Jerusalem Post

Grant Reeher was interviewed for the Jerusalem Post article "Jordan Pushes Bill to Limit Firearm Ownership." "It does seem that the media coverage of the mass shootings in the US does inform some of the thinking and the responses of leaders elsewhere when they have a mass shooting incident in their own country," Reeher said. They do not want to become "like the US" in this regard.
July 8, 2019

Boroujerdi op-ed on US-Iran tensions published in US News

"If the White House game plan was based on the premise that imposing more robust sanctions would cause a popular uprising by the Iranian people to bring down the regime, it badly miscalculated," writes Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi. "Instead, the nuclear withdrawal convinced Tehran that ill will should beget ill will."

June 25, 2019

Boroujerdi weighs in on US-Iran tensions in Washington Times

"The Iranians do have an appetite for negotiating, but I think what is holding things up right now—and that’s the part that the Trump administration perhaps is not really comprehending—is they have to save face," says Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi.

June 19, 2019

Steinberg op-ed on US-Japan relations published in Nikkei Asian Review

"If the U.S., under Trump or a successor, continues to take Japan's support for granted while ignoring Japan's interests, the U.S. grand strategy for the Indo-Pacific, which depends so heavily on allied support for bases and operations, could become increasingly untenable," writes University Professor James Steinberg.

June 13, 2019

Steinberg quoted in Foreign Policy article on legacy of World War II

"Lacking historical memories of the consequences of these quasi-isolationist/offshore balancing policies, we are heading down the track of repeating those tragic mistakes," says University Professor James Steinberg. Steinberg talked to Foreign Policy about the dying population of D-Day veterans, and the distinguishing generational reverence of that event.
June 11, 2019

SU named a US Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence

Established in 2005 by Congress, the IC CAE program is designed to increase the number of culturally and ethnically diverse, multi-disciplinary professionals in the intelligence community. The program "will leverage contributions from virtually all the schools and colleges at Syracuse University, and provide additional career opportunities for our students,” says Vice Admiral Robert Murrett (retired), professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

June 6, 2019

Drew Kinney '18 PhD (PSc) discusses crisis in Venezuela in The Washington Post

Drew Kinney '14 M.A./'18 Ph.D. (PSc) says head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó's "courting of the military to intervene in the political process and overthrow a state’s executive leadership is a textbook case of civilian coup advocacy."

May 3, 2019

Elise Roberts awarded grant from the Smith Richardson Foundation

Roberts is a Ph.D. candidate in political science who focuses on comparative politics and international relations. The Foundation is supporting her dissertation research, which examines the effect of foreign aid in post-conflict states and the processes of conflict relapse, as part of their mission to support scholars and organizations that promote international security and domestic public policy. 

April 23, 2019

Taylor weighs in on Russia's reaction to Ukraine election in Newsweek

Brian Taylor, professor and chair of political science, believes the situation between Russia and Ukraine will not change significantly with Zelensky’s election.

April 23, 2019

See related: Conflict, Elections, Russia, Ukraine

INSCT welcomes five national security experts as Distinguished Fellows

The Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT), a collaboration between the SU College of Law and the Maxwell School, added five senior national security experts to its leadership team as Distinguished Fellows. They are leading experts in the field of national security law and policy.
April 22, 2019

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