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O'Keefe discusses USS Theodore Roosevelt COVID incident in NY Times, Washington Post

"At its core, this is about an aircraft carrier skipper who sees an imminent threat and is forced to make a decision that risks his career in the act of what he believes to be the safety of the near 5,000 members of his crew," says University Professor Sean O’Keefe.

April 9, 2020

Gadarian talks partisanship, public responses to COVID-19 in The Hill

"Partisanship is determining how citizens respond to COVID-19, and this divided response puts every American at risk," Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, and her co-authors write. "If America’s political elite cannot come together, the costs of COVID-19 will be disproportionately felt in those places where Republicans did not act." 

April 8, 2020

Palmer quoted in US News article on accessing Social Security services

"If you don't have online access, the only alternative presumably will be to call the Social Security Administration national number and hope for the best," says University Professor and Dean Emeritus John Palmer.

April 7, 2020

Banks cautions against use of military during pandemic in Daily News

Most of the time...America’s military forces have remained in the background, waiting for direction from civilian leaders to respond to crises and then only in limited ways," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "That’s by design. We train soldiers to fight and win wars and deter threats overseas."

April 6, 2020

Lovely explains the economic impact of coronavirus on CGTN

"We're looking at a labor market catastrophe right now here in the United States," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely. "What we seem to need right now is employment support to keep these people attached to their employers and able to get back to work relatively quickly when the economy comes back." 

April 6, 2020

Baker discusses the Defense Production Act in NY Times and on CNBC

James E. Baker, director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law talked to the New York Times regarding the federal governments, authority over the security of our medical supply chain, amid urging by State and local authorities.

April 6, 2020

Lovely op-ed on addressing economic impact of COVID-19 featured on CNN

"Tariff rollbacks signal a desire to reduce mounting U.S.-China trade tensions, offering a much-needed model of global cooperation at a time of shared crisis," writes Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

April 2, 2020

Banks explains the Insurrection Act in HowStuffWorks article

"The Insurrection Act may be invoked only following an invasion, insurrection or widespread domestic violence," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "Only if states attempt to leave the Union would state defiance enable Insurrection Act authority. Otherwise the states control their citizens' health, welfare and safety."

April 1, 2020

NY Times article on Covid-19 includes NSF-funded Gadarian research

"The divide in anxiety along partisan lines is very troubling," and that it is "likely to continue until the president and conservative media allow the health experts to lead the messaging," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science.

April 1, 2020

Lovely quoted in Washington Times article on US-China trade deal

"There’s a real question as to the economic capacity in both countries [right now]," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics, adding that "it’s hopeful that the officials are saying that they still intend to meet these obligations." 

March 31, 2020

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