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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Mallon Andrews Talks to Science News About Climate Change and the Color of Seawater

Some colors can affect divers’ physical and mental health, says Kyrstin Mallon Andrews, assistant professor of anthropology. For instance, because yellow water clouds the water’s surface, the fishermen must dive continually to see fish, an exhausting process. Yellow water also causes skin rashes and debilitating ear infections, along with “sort of generalized angst,” she says.

September 6, 2023

McDowell Discusses BRICS, the Dollar and Risks to US Global Power in Financial Times, Foreign Policy

Talk of a BRICS common currency is “really a reflection of a desire among some segments of the world to have some counterweight to the U.S., the U.S. economy, the dollar,” says Daniel McDowell, associate professor of political science. But “I think most of this is just in fantasy land, because I don’t see any world in which it is really going to emerge in the way some people might hope.”

September 6, 2023

Taylor Speaks with CBC News, International Business Times About the Prigozhin Plane Crash

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, says that he believes Prigozhin is dead and he agrees with Biden. "Putin made clear at the time he saw the mutiny as 'treason' and 'a stab in the back,' which he was unlikely to forget or forgive," he says.

September 1, 2023

Coffel Quoted in Bloomberg Article on Biden’s Climate Bill

"If we want to meet timelines to reduce emissions, we have to build wind and solar at a totally unprecedented rate,” says Ethan Coffel, assistant professor of geography and the environment.

August 30, 2023

Coplin Talks to WSYR About His New Book, “The Path to Equity”

Bill Coplin, professor of policy studies, says he has been saving students from the damage done by the “bait-and-switch business model of the liberal arts programs” for fifty years. 

August 25, 2023

Blockwood Discusses the Cost of Free Speech in The Fulcrum

"Speech may be free in the form of currency, yet the price we may pay in what follows our words can be steep. And some pay a heftier price than others—a cost often set by mainstream and social media," writes James-Christian Blockwood, adjunct professor in Maxwell's Washington programs. 

August 23, 2023

Campbell Talks to Democracy Now About Opposing Military Intervention in Niger

"This military intervention in Niger is a consequence of the militarization of Nigerien society, when the society needs social and economic reconstruction," says Horace Campbell, professor of political science.
August 21, 2023

Murrett Quoted in Politico Article on China Canceling of Military Dialogues With the US

High level military contact sends a message “that we’re not looking for anything that might lead to an incident. And if you do have a dustup that does call for national level dialogue, it’s available and something you can fall back on,” says Vice Adm. Robert Murrett (Ret.), professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

August 14, 2023

McFate Talks to RadioFreeEurope, VOA News About the Coup in Niger

“This is an alarming trend,” says Sean McFate, adjunct professor in Maxwell's Washington programs. “The more coups happen, the more success they enjoy, the more temptation there will be for future juntas around Africa.”

August 11, 2023

Ekbia Comments on the Current State of AI Regulation by State Governments in Bloomberg Law

“Unfortunately, academics as much as many others, including Silicon Valley folks, are culpable for spreading this kind of fear and anxiety in the society,” says University Professor Hamid Ekbia. “Let’s stop for a second, take a deep breath, and see what is really possible in both directions, in terms of risks, but also in terms of the promises.”  

August 10, 2023

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