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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Sultana Comments on IPCC Climate Report on Sustain What Webcast

Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment, discussed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on global warming. 

March 7, 2022

What’s at Stake in Ukraine? Maxwell Faculty Examine the Impact of Russia’s Invasion

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs hosted a panel discussion and Q&A Monday, titled “What’s at Stake in Ukraine?” The event brought together respected faculty experts who examined the repercussions of Russia’s invasion.

March 4, 2022

Ackerman Examines Two Nationalist Insurrections to Explain Origin of the Mass Party in New Book

Edwin Ackerman
Edwin Ackerman examines two nationalist insurrections that were largely composed of a peasant-base in Mexico in 1921 and Bolivia in 1952 in his new book, "Origins of the Mass Party: Dispossession and the Party-Form in Mexico and Bolivia in Comparative Perspective" (University of Oxford Press, 2021).  
March 3, 2022

Khalil Quoted in Morning Consult Piece on Invasion of Ukraine, Political Boosts in the West

Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history, was quoted in the Morning Consult article, "Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Brings Varying Political Boosts for Leaders of Western Response."

March 3, 2022

See related: NATO, Russia, Ukraine

McDowell Discusses the Financial Sanctions Targeting Russia with Marketplace and the Washington Post

Associate Professor of Political Science Daniel McDowell discussed the financial sanctions imposed by the West on Russia with Marketplace and in his article published in the Washington Post.

March 3, 2022

Taylor Interviewed by 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation on the Conflict in Ukraine

Professor Brian Taylor discussed Russia, Putin and the conflict in Ukraine with 3AW Radio, Daily Express and Fox Nation.

March 1, 2022

Lovely Weighs in on Russia’s Economic Reliance on China in Axios Article

Professor Mary Lovely was quoted in the Axios article, "Western sanctions tie Russia even tighter to China."

February 28, 2022

See related: China, Economic Policy, Russia, Trade

Help Me Grow Follow Up Texting Intervention

The Maxwell X Lab partnered with Help Me Grow (HMG) to test if a texting campaign that leverages the importance of timing can better encourage parents to respond to the HMG team more consistently.
February 28, 2022

Lender Student Fellows Think Globally, Act Locally to Ease Struggles for Underrepresented Population

The current cohort of Lender Center student fellows, which includes two Maxwell students, bring a variety of interests from a diverse educational background. However, they all have one thing in common: a goal of making the Syracuse community and the world a better place to live.
February 25, 2022

See related: Student Experience

Taylor Discusses Putin, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine with BBC News Brazil, Washington Post, WETM

Professor Brian Taylor talks to BBC News Brazil, the Washington Post and WETM about Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
February 25, 2022

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